
Questions for EHSI

Answer the following questions

Refer to appendix A. Which mode is display C?
2. The EASA CS-25 colour code for precipitation rate in excess of 50 mm/hr is
On display A, what is the aircraft's track?
On display E, what is the approximate deviation from the required track?
5. The heading inputs to the EHSI are from
6. The horizontal deviation on the expanded ILS display represented by one dot is approximately
Refer to appendix A. Which display shows the expanded ILS mode?



8. The EACA CA-25 colour code for the active route is
9. The EASA CS25 colour code for ILS deviation pointer is
10. The EASA CS-25 colour code for a downpath waypoint is
11. The EASA CS- OPS1 recommended colour code for an in-use radio navigation facility is
Refer to Appendix A. The track direction from BANTU to ZAPPO on display F is
13. The EASA CS-25 colour code for selected heading is
14. On which displays will the range markers be displayed regardless of the weather selection?
Refer to appendix A. Which mode is display A?