
Questions for DME

Answer the following questions

The VOR in an aircraft is correctly tuned and set to define the centre line of an airway within UK airspace which you intend to fly. The indication received on the VOR/ILS deviation indicator is shown in the diagram alongside. At the same time the DME gave a range of 40 nm from the facility. Use the above information to answer the next two questions. Use the 1 in 60 rule and assume 1 dot equals 2°. At the time of the observation, the aircraft was on the
2. Referring to DME during the initial stage of the “search” pattern before “lock-on”
The VOR in an aircraft is correctly tuned and set to define the centre line of an airway within UK airspace which you intend to fly. The indication received on the VOR/ILS deviation indicator is shown in the diagram alongside. At the same time the DME gave a range of 40 nm from the facility. Use the above information to answer the next two questions. Use the 1 in 60 rule and assume 1 dot equals 2°. Assuming still air conditions, on regaining the centreline, it will be necessary to make the following alteration of heading:
4. DME operates in the frequency band, it transmits which give it the emission designator of
5. A VOR/DME share the same first two letters of their respective identifiers; the last identifying letter of the DME is a Z. This means that
6. Airborne DME equipment is able to discriminate between pulses intended for itself and pulses intended for other aircraft because
7. A DME transponder does not respond to pulses received from radars other than DME because
8. An aircraft flying at FL250 wishes to interrogate a DME beacon situated 400ft amsl. What is the maximum range likely to be achieved?
9. The range indicated by DME is considered to be accurate to within
10. The receiver of airborne DME equipment is able to “lock on” to its own “reply pulses” because
11. The transmission frequency of a DME beacon is 63 MHz removed from the aircraft interrogator frequency to prevent
12. A DME receiver is able to distinguish between replies to its own interrogations and replies to other aircraft because
13. DME and VOR are “frequency paired” because
14. For a VOR and a DME beacon to be said to be associated the aerial separation must not exceed_ ______ in a terminal area and _______ outside a terminal area
15. For a DME and a VOR to be said to be associated it is necessary for
16. A DME receiver is able to distinguish between replies to its own interrogation pulses and those intended for other aircraft using the same transponder because
17. Distance Measuring Equipment is an example of _________ radar operating on a frequency of _______ in the __________ band
18. When a DME transponder becomes saturated
19. The accuracy associated with DME is
20. A DME beacon having a transmit frequency of 962 MHz would have a receive frequency of
21. DME is a …………. radar operating in the …. band and uses………… in order to obtain range information. The correct words to complete the above statement are