
Questions for GROUND RADAR

Answer the following questions

1. The SHF band has been selected for Airfield Surface Movement Indicator (ASMI) radars in preference to the EHF band because
2. A ground based radar with a scanner rotation of 60rpm, a beam width in the order of .5° and a PRF of 10000pps would be
3. When carrying out a precision radar approach, talkdown normally ceases at _______ nm from touchdown
4. When flying a Precision Approach Radar in the UK, vertical displacement is based upon
5. The frequency band and rate of scan of Airfield Surface Movement radars are
6. A primary radar has a pulse repetition frequency of 275 pps. The time interval between the leading edges of successive pulses is
7. A primary radar system has a pulse repetition frequency of 450 pps. Ignoring pulse width and flyback at the CRT, the maximum range of the radar would be