
Questions for ILS

Answer the following questions

1. An aircraft tracking to intercept the ILS localiser inbound on the approach side but outside the published coverage angle
2. In elevation the upper and lower limits of an ILS glide path transmitter having a 3.0 degree glide slope are
3. An aircraft carrying out an ILS approach is receiving stronger 150 Hz signals than 90 Hz signals. The correct actions to be taken to place the aircraft on the centreline and on the glidepath are to fly
4. An aircraft's Instrument Landing System glideslope and localiser receivers are receiving predominant 90Hz modulated signals. If the aircraft is within the coverage of the ILS, QDM of 264°, it is
5. The outer marker of an ILS installation has a visual identification of
6. The upper and lower limits of an ILS glide path transmitter having a 3.5° glide slope are
7. The minimum angle at which a false glide path is likely to be encountered on a 3°glidepath is
8. An aircraft is attempting to use an ILS approach outside the coverage sectors of an ICAO standard system
9. The specified maximum safe fly up indication on a 5 dot CDI is
10. A category 2 ILS installation encountered in the UK
11. The coverage of an ILS localiser extends to _________either side of the on course line out to a range of ….. nm.
12. The coverage of the Micro-wave Landing System in the UK extends to ______nm up to a height of ______and ______degrees either side of the on course line
Which of these ILS indicators shows an aircraft on final approach left of the centre line and at maximum safe deviation below the glide path ?
14. The visual and aural indications obtained when overflying an ILS middle marker are
15. The coverage of the ILS glideslope in azimuth is