
Questions for RK BALI GNSS

Answer the following questions

1. The accuracy of range measurement of satellite to GPS receiver is
2. The GPS can
3. The orbital height and inclination of the NAVSTAR/GPS constellation are
4. The NAVSTAR/GPS operational constellation comprises ___________ satellites
5. The minimum number of satellites required for a 3D fix is
6. NAVSTAR/GPS operates in the _______ band and the receiver determines position by ________
7. It may be claimed that GNSS has the advantage over other air navigation systems in that it
8. The US DoD degrades GPS accuracy
9. The reason that the satellites of GPS and GLONASS do not collide is
10. The DGPS is
11. Position fixing by satellite is by means of
12. The model of the earth used for NAVSTAR/GPS is
13. Satellite geometry error is greatest when
14. Satellites used in GNSS< orbit the earth
15. The GPS transmission frequency which can be used by civil aircraft is