
Questions for R* B*LI ILS

Answer the following questions

1. An aircraft at FL370 is required to commence descent when 100 NM from a DME facility and to cross the station at FL120. If the mean GS during the descent is 396 kt, the minimum rate of descent required is approximately?
2. Inner marker transmits on 75MHz and has an aural frequency of
3. The horizontal deviation on the expanded ILS display represented by one dot is approximately
4. ILS is subject to false glide paths resulting from
5. At 0422 an aircraft at FL370, GS 320kt, is on the direct track to VOR 'X' 185 NM distant. The aircraft is required to cross VOR 'X' at FL80. For a mean rate of descent of 1800 FT/MIN at a mean GS of 232 kt, the latest time at which to commence descent is?
6. The outer marker of an ILS with a 3° glide slope is located 4.6NM from the threshold. Assuming a glide slope height of 50ft above the threshold, the approximate height of an aircraft passing the outer marker is
7. Assuming a five dot display, what does each of the dots on either side of the ILS localizer cockpit display represent
8. The minimum angle at which a false glide path is likely to be encountered on a 3° glide path is
9. The inner marker of an ILS installation identifies itself with
10. What is the approximate angular coverage of reliable navigation information for a 3° ILS glide path out to a distance of 10NM?
11. On an ILS approach you receive more of the 90 Hz modulation than the 150 Hz modulation. The action you should take is
12. The MIDDLE MARKER of an Instrument Landing System (ILS) facility is identified audibly and visually by a series of
13. An aircraft flying down a 3° ILS glide slope is at 25 nm DME rom the threshold. Using the 1 in 60 rule and approximating 1 nm to 6000 ft, calculate the aircraft height above the runway threshold, assuming that the ILS glide path crosses the threshold at height of 50 ft?
14. Category II ILS provides accurate guidance to
15. A Category 1 Instrument Landing System (ILS) ground installation provides accurate guidance from coverage limit down to
16. A typical ILS glide path frequency, in MHz , is
17. The upper limit of the vertical coverage of the localizer must be
18. When can an ILS back beam be received
19. In full ILS system which marker is optional?
20. A Cat III ILS glide path transmitter provides reliable guidance information down to
21. In which frequency band does an ILS glide slope transmit?
22. Aircraft height 2500 FT, ILS GP angle 3°. At what approximate distance from THR can you expect to capture the GP?
23. Assuming zero wind, what distance is covered by an aircraft descending 15000 FT with a TAS of 320 kt and maintaining a rate of descent of 3000 FT/MIN?
24. In an ILS system, the identification
25. An aircraft tracking to intercept the Instrument Landing System (ILS) localiser inbound on the approach side, outside the published ILS coverage angle
26. If there is a 15 knot increase in headwind by what amount must the rate of descent be changed in order to maintain a 3° glide slope?
27. Which of the following is an ILS localiser frequency?
28. RVR is
29. The amplitude modulation and the colour of an outer marker (OM) is
30. 850 FT/MIN equals?
31. If there is a 12 knot increase in headwind by what amount must the rate of descent be changed in order to maintain a 3° glide slope?
32. At what approximate distance from the threshold would an aircraft intercept the glide path if the aircraft height is 2500 feet, and the ILS glide path angle is 3° ?
33. The rate of descent required to maintain a 3.25° glide slope at a groundspeed of 140kt is approximately
34. Given: TAS = 197 Kt, True course = 240°, W/V = 180/30 kt. Descent is initiated at FL 220 and completed at FL 40. Distance to be covered during descent is 39 NM. What is the approximate rate of descent?
35. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 7% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 250 knots?
36. The ILS glide path operates between
37. The glide-path signals must be received to a range of 10 nm over a sector
38. The visual Indication of passing the outer marker is a ____ light with a series of ____ at 400 Hz
39. At 0430 an aircraft is in level cruise flight at groundspeed of 350 knots, at FL370, 165 nm from a VOR. It is required to descend at a mean rate of 1800 feet/ min, to be at FL 80 overhead the VOR. What is the latest time to commence descent, if the mean ground speed in the descent is to be 200 knots?
40. The reason why pre take-off holding areas are sometimes further from the active runway when ILS Category II and III landing procedures are in progress than during good weather operations is
41. Every 10ktt decrease in groundspeed, on a 3°ILS glide path, will require an approximate
42. For a 2.7 degree glide path on a Category 1 ILS the vertical coverage is
43. An aircraft carrying out a 3° glide path ILS approach experiences a reduction in Ground speed from 150kt at the outer marker to 120kt over the threshold. The effect of this change in groundspeed on the aircraft's rate of descent will be a decrease of approximately
44. Where, in relation to the runway, is the ILS locallser transmitting aerial normally situated?
45. Convert 70 meters/ second into knots?
46. What approximately rate of descent is required in order to maintain a 3° glide path at a groundspeed of 90kt?
47. At a distance of 20 NM from the localizer transmitter, the horizontal extent of the localizer coverage is
48. On an ILS ROD is function of
49. The sensitive area of an ILS is the area aircraft may not enter when
50. The rate of descent in feet per minute, appropriate to a 3.2° ILS glide path at an approach groundspeed of 110 kts is