
Questions for R* B*L* ADF/NDB

Answer the following questions

1. "Night effect" which causes loss of signal and fading, resulting in bearing errors from transmissions, is due to
2. An ADF uses a sense aerial to
3. Long range NDBs normally employ
4. An aircraft is maintaining track outbound from an NDB with a constant relative bearing of 184°. To return to the NDB the relative bearing to maintain is
5. Quadrantal errors associated with aircraft Automatic Direction Finding (ADF) equipment are caused by
6. An NDB signal crossing from land to sea will ____ speed and bend ___ the normal
7. Which one of the following disturbances is most likely to cause the greatest inaccuracy in ADF bearings?
8. The promulgated range for an NDB is applicable
9. Factors liable to affect most NDB/ADF system performance and reliability include
10. When using a NON A2A NDB the BFO should be
11. The BFO selector on an ADF receiver is used to
12. The D layer of the ionosphere affects the accuracy of NDB bearings
13. A radio beacon has an operational range of 10 NM. By what factor should the transmitter power be increased in order to achieve an operational range of 20 NM?
14. An aero plane is flying parallel to a coast. Which of the following NDBs will give the greatest coastal refraction LOP error?
15. There are two NDBs, one 20NM inland, and the other 50NM inland from the coast. Assuming that the error caused by coastal refraction is the same for both propogations, the extent of the rror in a position line plotted by an aircraft that is over water will be
16. The purpose of the BFO switch on the ADF receiver is to
17. With regard to the following types of NDB which statements is correct?
18. What is the wavelength of an NDB transmitting on 373 kHz?
19. Which of the following is likely to have the greatest effect on ADF accuracy?
20. The BFO
21. Variations of signal in NDB receivers due skywaves indicates the presence of
22. When using NDBs night effect is most likely to be greatest at
23. Errors caused by the effect of coastal refraction on bearings at lower altitudes are maximum when the NDB is
24. What is the approved frequency band assigned to aeronautical ADFs?
25. Which of the following equipments does not have a system to warn the pilot that it is inoperative
26. An A/C is flying on HDG of 315°, which of the following signal will cause maximum quadrantal error
27. Consider the following statements on the NDB transmitter
28. An aircraft is "homing" to a radio beacon whilst maintaining a relative bearing of zero. If the magnetic heading decreases, the aircraft is experiencing
29. What is used to resolve 180° ambiguity?
30. Direction property error is known as?