

Answer the following questions

1. What is the wavelength and waveband of a radio aid that uses a frequency of 19 cm
2. To establish and maintain effective HF communications the frequency used at a given range
3. In an amplitude modulated signal, the amplitude of the carrier wave will
4. For a given HF frequency skip distance will normally
5. Around a radiating transmitter aerial there is
6. The rate of refraction of a radio wave which occurs within the ionosphere
7. VOR wavelenght is?
8. The frequency which corresponds to a wavelength of 12 mm is
9. The maximum theoretical range at which an aircraft at FL80 can obtain bearings from a ground VDF facility sited 325 FT above MSL is
10. The rate of attenuation of a radio wave which occurs when the wave travels close to the Earths surface
11. What is the first returning sky wave called?
12. For a given set of ionosphere conditions, as the frequency of an HF signal is increased
13. What is skip distance?
14. What is the metric distance of an NDB wavelength?
15. Which radio frequency employs the refraction properties of the ionosphere?
16. A frequency of 295 KHz would be described as
17. What is the minimum level that an aircraft, at a range of 113 NM, must fly in order to contact the tower on R?T for a VDF bearing from an airport sited 169 FT above MSL?
18. When is fading in the medium frequency band most likely to occur
19. Atmospheric ducting close to the earth, is most likely?
20. VOR wavelength is
21. The frequency corresponding to a wavelength of 3.5 cm is
22. As a radio signal increases in frequency, ionospheric refraction ... and atmospheric attenuation
23. The wavelenght of I L S localizer is
24. Weather radar is?
25. The wavelength of VHF radio signal is?
26. Sky waves are not likely to occur by day or night in whihc of the following frequency bands
27. In sky wave propagation the distance between the end of the surface wave and the first returning sky wave is called the
28. The wavelength of a 121.95 MHz signal is?