
Questions for R* B*LI GYRO

Answer the following questions

1. Increasing altitude at constant TAS will ____ the angle of Bank required to achieve a rate 1 turn
2. An a/c turns left from Hdge 045° to 315° at rate 1. Time taken will be. Bank = TAS/10 + 7
3. On a TSI what does it indicate when the turn needle is out to the left and the ball out to the right?
4. Under normal operating conditions, when an aircraft is in banked turn, the rate-of-turn indicator is valuable gyroscopic flight control instrument; when it is associated with an attitude indicator it indicates: 1. the angular velocity of the aircraft about the yaw axis 2. the bank of the aircraft 3. the direction of the aircraft turn 4. the angular velocity of the aircraft about the real vertical The combination of correct statements is
5. A/H indications are reliablie in
6. For a coordinated rate 1 right turn at 250 Kts TAS, in clean configuration the correct AOB is approximately?
7. The ball in a serviceable slip indicator is _____ by _____ and _____ indicate the state of slip
8. The gimbal error of the directional gyro is due to the effect of
9. In a Turn-indicator, the measurement of a rate - of -turn consists of
10. The indications on a directional gyroscope or gyrocompass are subject to errors, due to: 1. rotation of Earth 2. aero plane motion on Earth 3. lateral and transversal aero plan bank angles 4. north change 5. mechanical defects The combination of correct statements is
11. When, in flight, the needle of a needle-and-ball indicator is on the right and the ball on the left, the aircraft is
12. In comparison to low level at higher level, if RAS is kept constant to maintain same rate. Bank is to be
13. If the mass of the aircraft was decreased from 60000 Kg to 45000 Kg?
14. On the ground, during a left turn, the turn indicator indicates
15. What corrective action is required if the ball is out to the right in a left turn?
16. An airborne instrument, equipped with a gyro with 1 degree of freedom and horizontal spin axis is a
17. The properties of a gyro are? 1. Mass 2. Rigidity in space 3. Inertia 4. Precession 5. Rigidity with reference to the earth
18. In comparison to low level, to maintain same rate of turn, RAS at higher level is to be
19. ROT indications are?
20. Following 180° stabilized turn with a constant attitude and bank, the artificial horizon indicates
21. If the turn and slip indicator shows needle left and ball left in a banked turn, the aircraft is ____ and the required corrective action is ___?
22. When turning at constant bank angle the rate of turn is?
23. A turn indicator used in conjunction with an attitude indicator can show? 1. TAS in a turn 2. Direction of turn 3. Angular velocity about the vertical axis of the aircraft. 4. Angular velocity about the true vertical axis
24. In the building principle of a gyroscope, the best efficiency is obtained through the concentration of the mass
25. If both the ball and needle are out to the left in a turn, the ball can be centralized by?
26. The indication of the directional gyro as an on-board instrument are valid only for a short period of time. The causes of this inaccuracy are: 1. the earth's rotation 2. the longitudinal acceleration 3. the aircraft's motion over the surface of the earth 4. the mechanical defects of the gyro 5. the gyro's weight 6. the gimbal mount of the gyro rings. The combination of the correct statements is
27. A directional gyro is: 1. a gyroscope free around two axis 2. a gyroscope free around one axis 3. capable of self-orientation around an earth-tied direction 4. Incapable of self-orientation around an earth -tied direction. The combination of correct statements is
28. A directional gyro requires?
29. The rate-of-turn is the
30. When, in flight, the needle and a ball of a needle-and-ball indicator are on the right, the aircraft is
31. During an acceleration phase at constant attitude, the resetting principle of the artificial horizon results in the horizon bar indicating a
32. If the turn indicator needle is out to the right and the ball is out to the left, it indicates?
33. An a/c rolls out after 180° steep turn to the left with reference to natural horizon. A/H will show
34. If the turn and slip indicator shows needle left and ball right in a banked turn, the aircraft is ____ and the required corrective actions is_____?



35. An aircraft if flying at a 120kt true airspeed, In order to achieve a rate 1 turn, the pilot will have to bank the aircraft at an angle of
36. Classic artificial horizon Indications turning through 180° at constant AOB?
37. What are the essential properties of a turn indicator? 1. Two degrees of freedom 2. One degree of freedom 3. Horizontal spin axis 4. Vertical spin axis 5. Longitudinal spin axis
38. What will be the immediate turn and slip indications when a left engine fails in climbing flight
39. When, in flight, the needle and ball of a needle-and-ball indicator are on the left, the aircraft is
40. The heading read on the dial of a directional gyro is subject to errors, one of which is due to the movement of the aircraft. This error
41. During take off roll an a/c fitted with vacuum driven A?H will show
42. The number of degrees of freedom of a gyro is?
43. A turn indicator is built around a gyroscope with
44. An a/c rolls out after 180° steep turn to the right with reference to natural horizon. A/H will show
45. How many degrees of freedom and what is the spin axis of an attitude indiciator?
46. The gyro in a turn indicator must have ___ gimbal ___ and ___ degrees of freedom?
47. On the ground, during a right turn, the turn indicator indicates
48. Rigidity in a gyroscope is
49. How will a basic AI respond if an aircraft performs a 270 degree turn at constant bank angle and ROT?
50. When an aircraft has turned 90 degrees with a constant attitude and bank, the pilot observes the following on a classic artificial horizon