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Question Bank
Questions for KW TCAS
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
1. Non-conflicting traffic is indicated by?
Hollow cyan
Solid cyan.
2. Preventative RA's include?
Traffic, traffic
Climb now
Monitor vertical speed
Turn right.
3. Other traffic not constituting a threat is indicated by ...... on TCAS?
Solid yellow circle.
Solid red square
Hollow cyan or white diamond.
Solid cyan or white diamond.
4. What corrective action is given by TCAS?
Contact ATC.
Climbing or descending left turn.
Climb or descend.
Climbing or descending right turn.
5. A "close traffic advisory " is displayed on the display device of the TCAS 2 ( Traffic Collision Avoidance System) by?
A blue or white empty lozenge.
An orange full circle.
A blue or white full lozenge.
A red full square.
6. The TCAS 1 (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) provides: 1. Traffic information. 2. Horizontal resolution (RA: Resolution Advisory). 3. Vertical resolution (RA: Resolution Advisory). 4. Ground proximity warning. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is?
1, 2.
1, 2, 3, 4.
1, 2, 3.
7. When fitted with mode c transponders a TCAS 2 system may provide?
Horizontal plane TA and RA.
Vertical plane TA and RA
TA only
RA only
8. TCAS corrective RA's Include?
Turn left.
Monitor vertical speed.
9. If an intruder aircraft has a mode C transponder, TCAS 2 can give?
TA only.
TA and RA in the horizontal plane only.
TA and RA in the vertical plane only.
RA only.
10. What level of warning does TCAS provide to indicate aircraft not equipped with TCAS?
TA and RA
11. TCAS indicates other non-threat traffic as a?
Red hollow circle.
Cyan or white hollow diamond.
Red hollow square.
Yellow hollow square.
12. TCAS Indicates proximate traffic as a?
Red solid squre.
Cyan solid diamond.
Cyan solid circle.
Red hollow squre.
13. The use of the TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) for avoiding an aircraft in flight is now general. TCAS uses for its operation?
Both the replies from the transponders of other aircraft and the ground -based radar echoes.
The echoes from the ground air traffic control radar system.
Echoes of collision avoidance radar system especially installed on board.
The replies from the transponders of other aircraft.
14. What information will TCAS provide to indicate an intruder aircraft with no altitude reporting facility?
Corrective RA.
Preventative RA
TO plus preventative RA.
15. From what does TCAS obtain its data? 1. Inertial reference unit. 2. Barometric altimeter. 3. RADALT. 4. Mode S transponders. 5. Additional equipment specific to each aircraft type
2, 3, 4.
2, 3, 5.
3, 4, 5.
1, 2, 4.
What does the TCAS indication (in red) at the right mean?
An aircraft 300 ft below is descending at more than 1000 fpm.
An aircraft 300 ft below is climbing at 500 fpm or more.
An aircraft 300 ft above is descending at more than 1000 fpm.
An aircraft 300 ft above is climbing at 500 fpm or more.
17. Corrective actions given by TCAS include? 1. Turn right or left 2.Descend or climb 3. Increase rate of descent or climb. 4. Stop climb or descent 5. Monitor vertical speed. 6. Contact ATC
1, 2, 3, 5.
1, 3, 4, 6.
1, 2, 3, 6.
2, 3, 4, 5.
18. Where is the TCAS information display. 1. On a dedicated TCAS display. 2. On the weather radar screen. 3. On EFIS. 4. On an LCD variometer.
All of the above.
2, 4.
1, 2.
19. TCAS will give ....... warning of an aircraft without transponders fitted?
Bearing only
Altitude only
No warning
Range and bearing.
20. TCAS RA is indicated by?
Amber square.
Red square.
Red circle.
Amber circle.
21. How should a pilot respond to a TCAS RA?
Visually identify the intruder to before taking corrective action.
Disengage the autopilot the immediately comply with climb and descent commands in a smooth manner.
Allow autopilot to follow TCAS commands, and advise ATC of situation soon as it is safe to do so.
Contact ATC before manoenvring.
22. TCAS 2 display may be provided on?
Weather radar display
Dedicated PPI
EFIS display.
Any of the above depending on aircraft type.
23. The TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) gives avoidance resolutions?
In horizontal and vertical planes.
In the horizontal plane.
In the vertical plane only.
Based on speed control only.
24. The TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) computer receives information: 1. About the pressure altitude through the mode S transponder. 2. From the radio altimeter. 3. Specific to the airplane configuration. 4. From the inertial units. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is ?
1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 4.
1, 2, 3, 4.
1, 2.
25. When the intruding aircraft is equipped with a transponder without altitude reporting capability , the TCAS II (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) issues a ?
"Traffic advisory", vertical and horizontal "resolution advisory".
Traffic advisory " and vertical "resolution advisory".
"Traffic advisory" and horizontal "resolution advisory.
"Traffic advisory" only.
26. TCAS 2 gives RA in?
None of the above.
Vertical plane only
Horizontal plane only
Both vertical and horizontal planes.
27. TCAS Indicates relative height as?
A + or - sign and numbers.
The position of the symbol.
Horizontal arrow.
Vertical arrow.
28. TCAS uses?
Barometric altimeters.
An intruder 250 ft above, climbing at 500 fpm or more, will be indicated by?
-250 (Cyan)
30. A TCAS TA is?
A traffic advisory message indicating aircraft within the vicinity but moving away.
A traffic advisory message indicating aircraft in the vicinity which may become a threat.
A traffic advisory message indicating aircraft within the vicinity which constituted an immediate threat.
A traffic advisory message indicating aircraft in the vicinity which are on a parallel course.
31. TCAS gives RA's in the __________ plane?
All of the above.
Lateral and vertical
32. Concerning the TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System)?
In one of the system modes, the warning, "TOO LOW TERRAIN" is generated.
Resolution Advisory (RA) must not be followed without obtaining clearance from ATC.
No protection is available against aircraft not equipped with a serviceable.
In one of the system modes, the warning, "PULL UP" generated.
33. When TCAS indications are provided on the VSI they will include? 1. Symbols to indicate the vertical positions of intruder and proximate traffic. 2. Arrows to Indicate the vertical motion of intruder and proximate traffic. 3. The rates of climb or descent to be avoided to resolve conflicts. 4. The recommended rate of climb or decent to resolve conflicts. 5. The track and CAS of intruder and proximate traffic
1, 3, 4, 5.
1, 2, 3, 4.
2, 3, 4, 5.
1, 2, 4, 5.
34. TCAS2 RA's are?
Directional only.
Vertical only.
Vertical and directional.
Directional only on mode C SSR.
35. The symbol for a TCAS RA is?
Red square.
Red circle.
Red diamoad.
Red lezeage.
36. TCAS 2 data is obtained from? 1. Radio altimeters. 2. INS/IRS. 3. Pressure altitude data from mode s transponders. 4. Additional equipment specific to each aircraft type
All of the above.
1, 2, 4.
1, 2, 3.
2, 3, 4.
37. How does TCAS indicate other traffic that is not assessed as a threat?
A cyan lozenge.
An amber solid sequare.
A white solid diamond.
A cyan hollow diamond.
38. TCAS 2 fitted with mode C transponders only can provide?
RA only
Vertical TA and RA.
TA only
Horizontal TA and Ra.
39. Inputs to TCAS 2 include?
Mode C transponders coordinating avoidance manoeuvres.
Mode C and a transponders giving RA and TA data and coordinating avoidance manoeuvres.
Mode A transponders providing TA and RA data.
Mode S transponders to coordinate avoidance manoeuvres.
40. The TCAS II data display devices can be in the form of: 1. A specific dedicated screen. 2. A screen combined with the weather radar. 3. A variometer represented on a liquid crystal screen which allows the display of Traffic advisory (TA) and Resolution Advisory (RA). 4. An EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System) screen. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is?
3 and 4.
1, 2, 3, and 4.
1 and 3.
1, 2 and 3.
41. On a TCAS 2 (Traffic Collision Avoidance System), a corrective "resolution advisory "(RA) is a "resolution advisory"?
Asking the pilot to modify the heading of his aircraft
Asking the pilot to modify the speed of his aircraft.
Which does not requires any action from the pilot but on the contrary asks him not to modify his current vertical speed rate.
Asking the pilot to modify effectively the vertical speed of his aircraft.
42. TCAS is displayed? 1. EFIS. 2. EICAS. 3. ECAM. 4. Dedicated TCAS displays. 5. Weather radar display
1, 2.
2, 3.
3, 5.
1, 4.
43. On what principle is TCAS II based?
IRS/INS Inputs to the autopilot.
Two S mode transponders.
Ground based radars.
Radio altimeters.
44. A preventative RA is represented by a ........ On a TCAS PPI?
Red circle.
Red square.
Red lozenge.
Amber square.
45. On a TCAS 2 (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) the preventive "resolution advisory" (RA) is a "Resolution Advisory".?
Asking the pilot to modify the speed of his aircraft.
Asking the pilot to modify the heading of his aircraft.
Asking the pilot to modify effectively the vertical speed of his aircraft.
That advises the pilot to avoid certain deviations from the current vertical rate but does not require any change to be made to that rate.
46. The correct response to a TCAS RA is?
Immediately Turn 45° left and comply with the descent / climb commands.
Seek ATC approval before changing altitude, speed or track.
Do nothings because ATC instruction override RA.
Comply with descent/ climb commands immediately and smoothly.
47. The principle of the TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System)is based on the use of?
Transponders fitted in the aircraft.
Airborne weather radar system.
F.M.S (Flight Management System).
Air traffic control radar systems.
48. A "resolution advisory" (RA) is represented on the display system of the TCAS 2 (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) by a ?
Blue or white full lozenge.
Red full square.
Red full circle
Blue or white empty lozenge.
49. Other traffic is defined as?
Traffic not qualifying as proximity or intruder but within the display range and within 2700 ft above or below.
All tranffic other than proximity and intruder traffic.
All non intruder traffic within the range sale and within 2700 ft above or below.
Traffic not qualifying as proximity but within 16 mn and within 2500 ft above or below.
50. TCAS is based on?
Primary radar.
Ground-based radar.
RT communications and direction finding.
Airborne transponders.
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