
Questions for KW INST COMPASS

Answer the following questions

1. What are the errors in a DGI? 1. Transport wander. 2. Earth rate. 3. Heading errors when banking and pitching. 4. Mechanical imperfections
2. The sensitivity of a magnetic compass can be affected by?
3. A magnetic compass must be swung?
4. To what is the output of the flux valve in a remote indicating compass initially fed?
5. A runway In the northern hemisphere is on an agonic line and heading 045 degrees. If an aircraft with zero compass deviation takes off in still air, what will the northerly turning errors be?
6. In a remote indicating magnetic compass the flux valve?
7. A direct reading magnetic compass will be affected by? 1. Adjacent electrical equipment. 2.Ferrous metals 3. Non-ferrous metals.
8. One of the factors causing error in a DRMC is?
9. What will the DRMC indicate when an aircraft lands in a southerly direction in the southern hemisphere?
10. Upon landing on a northerly heading a DRMC will indicate?
11. The roll out must be performed at ........ when turning from SW to SE in the northern hemisphere?
12. The DRMC in an aircraft accelerating for take-off on a runway with QDM 45 degrees, in the northern hemisphere, will indicate?
13. A DRMC can be affected by?
14. When taking-off on a calm day on heading of 45° in the northern hemisphere, the compass will indicate ........ If the field is on an agonic line?
15. The greatest cause of errors in a direct reading magnetic compass is?
16. What will the compass indicate as an aircraft lands and decelerates on a westerly heading on the magnetic equator?
17. Magnetic dip angle at the south pole is?
18. If the ADF pointer indicates 200 degrees when the RMI rose is stuck at 090 degrees, what is the relative bearing of the beacon?
19. When cruising on a westerly heading a direct reading magnetic compass will indicate?
20. What is the strength of the H component of the earths magnetic field (in micro teslas) at the North pole?
21. Magnetic heading can be found from true heading using?
22. In order to convert true heading into magnetic heading a compass card and ......... are required?
23. What error is introduced into a DGI due to movement of the gyro earth?
24. If the ADF pointer indicates 240 degrees when the RMI rose is stuck at 090 degrees, what is the relative bearing of the beacon?
25. If an aircraft in the northern hemisphere accelerates on a westerly heading, the compass needle moves ....... indicating a turn to the ......... ?
26. The flux valve in a RIMC requires?
27. From what does a gyro magnetic compass torque motor obtain its information?
28. The function of the torque motor in a gyro stabilised magnetic compass is to?
29. Errors in direct reading magnetic compasses can be caused by?
30. When landing on a northerly heading a direct reading magnetic compass will indicate?
31. When turning from SW to SE at 45 degrees north, the roll out should occur at?
32. A direct reading magnetic compass will be affected by?
33. What will the compass indicate as an aircraft lands and decelerates on a westerly heading in the northern hemisphere?
34. The roll out must be performed at .... when turning from NW to NE in the southern hemisphere?
35. The flux gate of a gyro magnetic compass transmits data to?
36. A magnetic compass must be swung after?
37. To what does the flux valve of a gyro magnetic compass transmit information?
38. When turning from SE to SW at 50 degrees north, the roll out should occur at?
39. When landing in a southerly direction a direct reading magnetic compass will indicate?
40. From what does the flux valve in a RIMC get its power supply ?
41. The roll out must be performed at .... when turning from NW to SE in the southern hemisphere?
42. The roll out must be performed at .... when turning from NW to SE in the northern hemisphere?
43. If the ADF pointer indicates 270 degrees when the RMI rose is stuck at 090 degrees, what is the relative bearing of the beacon?
44. The output of the flux valve is fed to the?
45. At what point on the earth would earth rate wander and transport wander be zero?
46. What is the function of the latitude nut on a DI?
47. When an aircraft lands on a southerly heading in the southern hemisphere, the DRMC will indicate?
48. If the ADF pointer indicates 120 degrees when the RMI rose is stuck at 080 degrees, what is the relative bearing of the beacon?
49. At what DRMC heading is roll out received when conducting a turn from south-west to south -east at 45 degrees north?
50. The maximum gyro drift rate due to earth rate is?