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Questions for KW EICAS
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
1. Where are the flap and slat positions indicated on an advanced ECAM system?
The bottom of the lower display.
The left side of the lower display.
The left side of the upper display.
The right side of the upper display
2. Where are the flying control positions indicated on an advanced ECAM system?
The right side of the upper display.
The bottom of the lower display.
The left side of the lower display.
The left side of the upper display.
3. The main advantages of EICAS and ECAM are?
Less cockpit clutter and better information management.
Lighter and cheaper instruments.
More accurate indications.
The ability to display parameters for multiple engines.
4. For what is the colour red used in EICAS and ECAM displays?
Warnings and limits.
Warning and cautions.
Cautions and limits.
Cautions and limits.
5. The EICAS display modes are?
Operational, status and maintenance.
Operational, status, manual, emergency.
Normal, failure, status, manual.
Normal, manual, status.
6. A red message on an upper EICAS display?
Is a warning of a situation for which immediate corrective action is required. It will be accompanied by an appropriate aural warning.
Is a warning of a situation for which immediate corrective action is required. It may or may not be accompanied by an aural warning, depending on the seriousness of the situation.
Advises the crew of a situation that does not require immediate corrective action, but might do so in the near future. It will always be accompanied by an aural warning.
Advises the crew of a situation that does not require immediate corrective action, but might do so in the near future. It may or may not be accompanied by an aural warning, depending upon the seriousness of the situation.
7. If a screen fails in an advanced (EFIS equipped) ECAM system?
The information that would normally be displayed on that screen is lost.
The engine primary data is displayed on the emergency engine data LED display.
The information that would normally be displayed on that screen is automatically transferred to one of the EFIS screens.
The information that would normally appear on that screen is displayed in compacted format on the other screen.
8. What indication is given for an ECAM system fallure?
A button is illuminated to indicate how to switch of warning.
Light and aural.
Light only.
Amber message.
9. ECAM provides?
Information in checklist or memo format on the right or lower display and a synoptic diagram on the left or upper display.
Information about the engines only on the right or lower displays.
No information about the engines.
Information in checklist or memo format on the left or upper display and a synoptic diagram on the right or lower display.
10. A green bug on an EICAS EPR gauge indicates?
The target EPR value.
The fact that the current EPR value is the correct one for that stage of flight.
The current EPR value.
The maximum safe EPR value.
11. An EICAS advisory message?
Appears is amber on the upper display, indented on digit to the left.
Appears is green on the lower display, indented on digit to the right.
Appears is amber on the lower screen, indented one digit to the right.
Appears is amber on the upper display, indented one digit to the right.
12. How is the lower screen in an EICAS system cleared when is status mode?
By pressing the CLR button.
By pressing the status button.
By repeatedly pressing the status button until all pages .ve been viewed .
By pressing the RCL button.
13. ECAM displays warnings and cautions?
At the right side of the left or upper display.
At the bottom of the left or upper display.
At the top of the left or upper display.
At the left side of the right or lower display.
14. If a screes fails in a basic (non-EFIS equipped) ECAM system?
The information that would normally be displayed on that screen is lost.
The engine primary data is displayed on the emergency engine data LED display.
The information that would normally be displayed on that screen is provided on conventional analogue displays.
The information that would normally appear on that screen is displayed in compacted format on the other screen.
15. When the Take-off button on an ECAM system is pushed?
The ECAM confirms that the aircraft is in the take-off configuration.
The aircraft conducts an automatic take-off, to flap retraction height.
The aircraft conducts an automatic take-off and climb out to cruise height.
The ECAM confirms that the aircraft is in the lift-off attitude.
16. If an emergency occurs in an aircraft employing advanced EICAS?
The nature of the problem is indicate in amber at the bottom left of the upper display, together with corrective instructions in white.
The nature of the problem is indicated in red at the top left of the upper display.
The nature of the problem is indicated in red at the bottom left of the upper display, together with corrective instructions in blue.
The nature of the problem is indicated in red an the lower display.
17. Both ECAM and EICAS?
Display engine primary data in analogue and digital format, and secondary only in analogue format.
Display engine secondary and primary data in digital format only.
Display engine secondary data in analogue format only.
Display engine primary and secondary data in analogue and digital format.
18. When an ECAM warning has been dealt with?
The blue corrective instructions will be deleted.
The blue corrective instructions will be replaced by a green statement of the new configuration.
The blue corrective instructions will be replaced by a blue statement of the new configuration.
The red corrective instructions will be deleted.
19. How must a pilot react to an amber EICAS or ECAM indication?
Take no action, it in for information only.
Take immediate corrective action.
Contact ATC immediately and divert to the nearest capable airfield.
Take no immediate corrective action but be aware of it and consider its potential effects in the event of other fallures.
20. The basic ECAM system displays?
Engine and aircraft systems primary and secondary data.
Engine and aircraft systems primary data.
Aircraft systems primary data.
Aircraft systems primary and secondary data.
21. If a screen falls in an advanced (EFIS equipped) EICAS system?
The engine primary data is displayed on the emergency engine data LED display.
The information that would normally be displayed on that screen is lost.
The information that would normally be displayed on that screen is automatically transferred to one of the EFIS screens.
The information that would normally appear on that screen is displayed in compacted format on the other screen.
22. The message on an ECAM display RADALT indicates?
The RADALT is not itself defective but it has been rendered unavailable due to the failure of another systems which is not identified.
The RADALT is not itself defective but it has been rendered unavailable due to the failure of another systems which is also identified by another message.
The RADALT is defective.
The RADALT has been switched on.
23. How will a single EICAS failure be displayed. 1. If one screen of a basic EICAS system falls the other will go into compacted display mode. 2. If one computer of an EICAS system falls an amber caption will appear on the upper display but the system will continue to function. 3. If one screen of an advanced EICAS system falls the information from that screen will be automatically transferred to one of the EFIS navigation displays, and an amber caption will appear on the screen depicting EICAS primary data
1, 2.
All of the above.
1, 3.
2, 3.
24. When an aircraft system failure occurs on an aircraft with a basic ECAM system?
The right display will indicate the situation in red or amber, together with the required corrective actions in green. The left display will show a diagram of the faulty system.
The left display will indicate the situation in red or amber, together with the required corrective actions in green. The right display will show a diagram of the faulty system.
The left display will indicate the situation in red or amber, together with the required corrective actions in blue. The right display will show a diagram of the faulty system.
The right display will indicate the situation in red or amber, together with the required corrective actions in blue. The left display will show a diagram of the faulty system.
25. In EICAS?
Engine primary and secondary data plus flap, slat and flying control positions are displayed constantly on the lower scree, the upper screen remaining blank throughout normal flight.
Engine primary and secondary data plus flap, slat and flying control positions are displayed constantly constantly on the upper scree, the lower screen remaining blank throughout normal flight.
Engine primary data such as N1, EGT and EPR are displayed constantly on the upper screen, the lower screen remaining blank in normal flight.
Engine primary data such as N1, EGT and EPR are displayed constantly on the lower screen, the upper screen remaining blank in normal flight.
26. An engine fire on an EICAS equipped aircraft would be indicated by?
Red caption on the upper display and engine secondary data on the lower display.
Amber caption on the upper display and engine secondary data on the lower display.
Red caption on the upper display, aural warning, engine secondary data on the lower display.
Amber caption on the upper display, aural warnings, engine secondary data on the lower display.
27. The correct response to an ECAM red message is?
To take immediate corrective action as listed on the bottom of the left or upper display.
Take no immediate actions but be aware of the situation.
Corrective action will be taken automatically by the system.
To press the recall button to obtain details of corrective actions required.
28. The correct response to an EICAS amber without aural message is?
Press the recall button to obtain a list of corrective actions required.
Take the immediate corrective actions listed on the bottom of the upper display.
Take immediate corrective actions listed on the lower display.
Take no immediate action but be aware of the situation.
29. The correct response to an EICAS amber and aural message is?
Take no immediate action but be aware of the situation.
Take the immediate corrective actions listed on the bottom of the upper display.
Press the recall button to obtain a list of corrective actions required.
Take immediate corrective action listed on the lower display.
30. An number message on an upper EICAS display?
Advises the crew of a situation that does not require immediate corrective action, but might do so in the near future. It will always be accompanied by an aural warning.
Is a warning of a situation for which immediate corrective action is required. It may or may not be accompanied by an aural warning, depending on the seriousness of the situation.
Advices the crew of a situation that does not require immediate corrective action, but might do so in the near future. It may or may not be accompanied by an aural warning, depending upon the seriousness of the situations.
Is a warning of a situation for which immediate corrective action is required. It will be accompanied by an appropriate aural warning.
31. If a screen fails in a basic (non EFIS equipped) EICAS system?
The engine primary data is displayed on the emergency engine data LED display.
The information that would normally be displayed on that screen is lost.
The information that would normally appear on that screen is displayed in compacted format on the other screen.
The information that would normally be displayed on that screen is automatically transferred to one of the EFIS screens.
32. The advantages of EICAS and ECAM include? 1. Reduced cockpit clutter. 2. Reduced pilot workload. 3. Easler identification of faults. 4. Easler interpretation of information in difficult conditions. 5. Lighter indication systems. 6. Better Integration of Information.
1, 2, 3, 4.
All of the above.
3, 4, 5, 6.
2, 3, 4, 6.
33. If an emergency occurs in an aircraft employing advanced ECAM?
The nature of the problem is indicated in red at the bottom left of the upper display, together with corrective instructions in blue.
The nature of the problem is indicate in amber at the bottom left of the upper display, together with corrective instructions in white.
The nature of the problem is indicated in red on the lower display.
The nature of the problem is indicated in red at the top left of the upper display.
34. In normal flight conditions an EICAS system display is?
Lower screen blank and upper screen indicating primary engine data.
Upper screen indicating engine primary data and lower screen Indicating engine secondary data.
Upper screen blank and lower one indicating primary engine data.
Both screens blank.
35. What is the purpose of the cancel and recall buttons on an EICAS or ECAM system?
To scroll down and up the list of warnings, cautions and advisories, when they fill more than one page.
To delete unwanted messages and recover them if the situations suddenly deteriorates.
To delete low priority messages to concentrate on the high priority ones. Then to recall the low priority messages when the more important ones have been dealt with.
To delete warnings if they cannot be rectified, and to recover them if it is decided to make a further attempt.
36. The correct response to an EICAS red message is to ?
Press the recall button to obtain a list of corrective actions.
Press the cancel button to see if other faults exist.
Press the status button to get more information about the failed system.
Take immediate corrective action.
37. When the ECAM T/O button is pushed?
The system checks that the aircraft in the take-off configuration.
The aircraft takes-off.
The system prepares the aircraft for take-off, then awaits the release of the brakes before spooling up the engines.
The system puts the aircraft into the take-off configuration.
38. Modern commercial transport aircraft will employ?
EFIS and either ECAM or EICAS
EFIS only.
ECAM and ECAS but not EFIS.
39. A message enclosed within a box?
Is used in EICAS to show a system which is unserviceable.
Is used in ECAM to show a syste which although serviceable, is rendered non-operational due to the failure of a different system.
Is used in ECAM to show a system which is unserviceable.
Is used in EICAS to show a system which although serviceable, is rendered non-operational due to the failure of a different system.
40. When the required corrective actions have been taken to remedy an aircraft system fault, an ECAM system will?
The original fault statement will remain but the corrective actions list will turn green. The lower display will return to normal.
The upper screen will briefly continue to display the original fault statement, but the list of corrective actions will become green. Both screens will then revert to normal.
The fault indications will immediately disappear as the screens return to normal.
The upper screen will continue to display the original fault statement together with the blue corrective action list, but the lower screen will go blank.
41. In in EICAS system, excessive EGT is indicated by?
The EGT display will turn red.
The EGT display will flash alternately red and amber.
The EGT display will turn amber.
The position and figures on an analogue and digital display.
42. In a basic ECAM system?
The right screen shows information in checklist or memo form, whilst the left screen shows the relevant diagrams.
The left screen is normally blank with the right showing primary engine data.
The right screen is normally blank with the left showing primary engine data.
The left screen show information in checklist and memo form, whilst the right screen shows relevant diagram.
43. If the lower EICAS display fails but the EICAS system does not detect the failure?
The system will automatically go into compacted display mode.
The lower display will remain blank, but the upper will show a series of ↓ Sings whenever data should be on the lower display.
The lower display will remain blank, but the upper will shows a series of Signs whenever data should be on the lower display.
Display failures are always detected by EICAS.
44. If both displays fall on a basic EICAS system?
Limited engine primary data (N1, N2, EGT) are displayed on the standby engine LED indicator.
All data becomes unacallable.
Limited engine primary data (N1, N2, EGT) are displayed on an EFIS screen.
Limited engine primary data (N1, N2, EGT) are displayed on analogue gauges.
45. The basic ECAM system has?
No manual modes.
Three manual modes and one automatic mode.
Four automatic modes and one manual mode.
Three automatic modes and one manual mode.
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