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Airline Cadet Program
IGRUA Entrance Prep
B.Sc. Aviation
Pilot Training
Aircraft Type-Rating
Airbus A320
Boeing 737
CPL Test Series
Question Bank
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
1. On which instrument are the FD bars normally displayed?
2. The position of a Flight Director command bars?
Enables the measurement of deviation from a given position.
Repeats the ADI and HSI information.
Indicates the manoeuvers to execute, to achieve or maintain a flight situation.
Only displays information relating to radio-electric deviation.
3. When will the ADI vertical har become centrallsed with 180 degrees is selected when flying on a heading of 160 degrees?
When on a heading of 180 degrees.
When within 20 degrees of 180 degrees.
When on a heading of 160 degrees.
When at the correct attitude to intercept 180 degrees.
4. The Flight Director bars are?
Sometimes visible in automatic flight.
Always visible in automatic flight.
Never visible in automatic flight.
Always visible in flight.
5. The command bars of a flight director are generally represented on an?
ADI (Attitude Director Indicator).
HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator).
ILS (Instrument Landing System).
RMI (Radio Magnetic Indicator).
6. If heading is set to 180 degrees when the aircraft is stable on 160 degrees, what will happen to the vertical bar on the flight director?
Move down.
Move left.
Remain central.
Move right.
7. An aircraft is flying on a heading 275° and the autopilot is the heading select mode. What will the flight director command bars do if heading is changed to 350°?
Roll bar moves left until the actual heading matches the selected heading.
Roll bar moves hard right then gradually centralise as the difference between actual heading and selected heading reduces.
The roll bar does not move, but the system automatically regains the selected heading.
The roll bar will move to the right until the AFDS angle of bank required to Intercept is achieved. The bar will then centrallse.
After having pregrammed your flight director, you see that the indications of your ADI (Attitude Director Indicator) are as represented in diagram below. On this Instrument, the command bars indicate that you must?
Decrease the flight attitude and bank your airplane to the right until the command bars recentre on the symbolic aeroplane.
Increase the flight attitude and bank your aeroplane to the right until the command bars recentre on the symbolic aeroplane.
Increase the flight attitude and bank your airplane to the left until the command bars recentre on the symbolic aeroplane.
Decrease the flight attitude and bank your airplane to the left until the command bars recentre on the symbolic aeroplane.
After having programmed your flight director, you see that the indications of your ADI (Attitude Director Indicator) are as represented in diagram below. On this Instrument, the command bars indicate that you mush bank your airplane to the left and?
Increase the flight attitude until the command bars recentre on the horizon..
Increase the flight attitude until the command bars recentre on the symbolic airplane.
Decrease the flight attitude until the command bars recentre on the symbolic airplane.
Decrease the flight attitude until the command bars recentre on the horizon.
What commands are being indicated by the flight director at the right?
Go down and right.
Go up and left.
Go down and left.
Go up and right.
11. How will the FD bars respond if a heading of 350 degrees is selected, when the aircraft with heading hold engaged is in steady flight on a heading of 270 degrees?
Move right until on 350 degrees then centralise.
Move right until on heading 260 degrees then move left to regain 350 degrees.
Move right temporarily then quickly centralise.
Move right until the turn command is executed, then centralise until a heading of about 340 degrees is reached, when it will move left to execute a roll out.
12. Flight Director Information supplied by an FD computer is presented in the form of command bars on the following instrument?
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator.
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator.
BDHI Bearing Distance Heading Indicator.
ADI Attitude Display Indicator.
What commands are being indicated by the flight director at the right?
Go down and right.
Go up and right.
Go up and left.
Go down and left.
14. Flight director modes are displayed?
On the flight director control panel.
On the EFIS nav display.
On the EFIS primary flight display.
What command are being indicated by the FD at the right.
Go up and left.
Go down and right.
Go down and left.
Go up and right.
What commands are being indicated by the flight director at the right?
Go down and right.
Go down and left.
Go up and rigtht.
Go up and left.
17. Having programmed the flight director, a pilot observes that the ADI indications are as illustrated in the diagram at the right. The command bars indicate that the aircraft should?
Bank left and increase nose up attitude until the bars centrallse.
Bank right and Increase nose up attitude until the bars centrallse.
Bank left and decrease nose up attitude until the bars centrallse.
Bank right and decrease nose up attitude until the bars centrallse.
18. The aim of the flight director is to provide information to the pilot?
Allowing him to return to a desired path in an optimal way.
Allowing him to return to a desired path according to a 45° Intercept angle.
Allowing him to return to a desired path according to a 30° Intercept angle.
About his position with regard to a radio-electric axis.
19. The essential components of a flight director are: 1. A computer. 2. An automatic pilot. 3. An autothrottle. 4. Command bars. The combination of correct statements is?
1, 2.
2, 4.
2, 3.
1, 4.
20. The "heading hold" mode is selected on flight director (FD) with a course to steer of 180°. Your aircraft holds a heading of 160°. The vertical bar of the FD?
Is centreed if the aircraft is on optimum path to join heading 180°.
Is centreed if the aircraft has a starboard drift of 20°.
Cannot be centreed.
Is contreed if the aircraft has a port drift of 20°.
21. On which instrument are the FD bars normally displayed?
22. An aeropine is equipped with a Flight Director (with crosshair trend bars), heading 270°, in HDG mode (heading hold). A new heading, of 360°, is selected the vertical trend bar?
Disappears, the new heading selection has deactivated the HDG mode.
Deviates to its right stop as long as the aeroplane is more than 10° off the new selected heading.
Deviates to the right and will be centred as soon as you roll the aircraft to the bank angle calculated by the flight director.
Deviates to the right and remains in that position until the aircraft has reached heading 360°.
23. Where are the flight director modes displayed?
FD controller.
24. The flight director indicates the?
Path permitting reaching a selected radial in minimum time.
Path permitting reaching a selected radial over a minimum distance.
Optimum path at the moment it is entered to reach a selected radial.
Optimum instantaneous path to reach selected radial.
25. On a modern aircraft, the flight director modes are displayed on the?
Upper strip of the ND (Navigation Display).
Control panel of the flight director only.
Upper strip of the PFD (Primary Flight Display)
Upper strip of the ECAM (Electronic Centralized A/C Management)
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