

Answer the following questions

1. When both the needle and ball of a turn and slip indicator are displaced to the right the aircraft is?
2. What will the turn needle indicate in a slightly banked turn?
3. For a coordinated 300 Kts TAS rate I right turn the AOB should be?
4. If the turn indicator needle is out to the right and the ball is out to the left, if indicates?
5. Following a left engine failure the pilot of a multi-engine aircraft uses rudder to oppose yaw and keep the aircraft on heading, whilst using bank to prevent side slip. What will the turn and slip indicator show?
6. The gyro is a turn indicator must have ______ gimbal and ________ degrees of freedom?
7. ROT indications are?
8. What does it indicate if both the needle and ball in a turn and slip indicator move out to the right?
9. When both the needle and ball of a turn and slip indicator are displaced to the right the aircraft is?
10. The correct turn and slip indications when turning right on the gound are?
11. What should a turn and slip indicator show in a right turn on the gound?
12. The ball in a serviceable slip indicator is _________ by _________ and __________Indicate/s the state of slip?
13. ROT indications depond on? 1. Airspeed. 2. Mass. 3. AOB.
14. When both the needle is displaced right and the ball displaced lift, in a turn and slip Indicator, the aircraft is?
15. When turning at constant bank angle the rate of turn is?
16. If the mass of the aircraft in question 34 above, was decreased to 45000 Kg?
17. For a rate one turn at 150 Kts the AOB much be?
18. What angle of bank would give a rate 1 turn at 120 Kts?1
19. What factors affect the turn indicator 1.AofA. 2. AOB. 3.TAS. 4.Weight.
20. A turn indicator has? 1. A horizontal spin axis. 2. A vertical spin axis. 3. One degree of freedom. 4. Two degrees of freedom. 5. A spin axis tied to the yawing plane of the aircraft. 6 . A gravity erecting unit.
21. A turn indicator used in conjunction with an attitude indicator will show? 1. Turn direction. 2. Rate of turn. 3.Angular velocity about the true vertical axis. 4. Angular velocity about the aircraft vertical axis. 5. Angular velocity about the longitudinal axis.
22. How should the turn and slip indicator respond in a right turn when taxling?
23. If both the ball and needle are out to the left in a turn, the ball can be centrallsed by?
24. What does it indicate when the turn needle is out to the left and the ball out to the right?
25. For a coordinated rate 1 left turn at an AOB of 27 degrees, the TAS should be?
26. The turn indicator is affected by? 1. AOB. 2. Airspeed. 3. Weight. 4. Altitude.
27. What angle of bank is required to conduct a balanced rate 1 turn in an aircraft at 125 kts TAS at a mass of 55000 Kg?
28. What are the essential properties of a turn indicator? 1. Two degrees of freedom. 2. One degree of freedom. 3. Horizontal spin axis. 4. Vertical spin axis. 5. Longitudinal spin axis
29. What will be the immediate turn and slip indications when a left engine falls in climbing flight
30. For a coordinated rate 1 righ turn at 250 Kts TAS, the correct AOB is apprximately?
31. A rate 1 turn at 120 kts requires?
32. If the turn and slip indicator shows needle right and ball left in a banked turn, the aircraft is _________ and the required corrective action i _______?
33. The turn needle indicates __________ in a slightly banked turn?
34. Following a left engine failure the pilot of a multi-engise aircraft uses rudder to arrest the yaw, whilst side slipping down track with the wings held level by the ailerons. What will the turn and slip indicator show in this condition
35. What corrective action is required if the ball is out to the right is a left turn?
36. If the turn and slip indicator shows needle left and ball left in a banked turn, the aircraft is ___________ and the required corrective action is ____________?
37. If the turn and slip indicator shows needle left and ball right in a banked turn, the aircraft is ___________ ad the required corrective action is ___________?
38. A turn indicator used in conjunction with an attitude indicator can show? 1. TAS in a turn. 2 Direction of turn. 3. Angular velocity about the vertical axis of the aircraft. 4. Angular velocity about the true vertical axis
39. The correct indications when taxing to the left are?
40. If the turn and slip indicator shows needle right and ball right in a banked turn, the aircraft is _________ and the required corrective action is_______?