
Questions for KW VSI

Answer the following questions

1. If the pilot pipe becomes partly blocked?
2. If the port static vent of a large aircraft is blocked, what will happen to the VSI Indications when it is side slipping to the left in a descent?
3. If the choke in the VSI becomes partly blocked?
4. The correct action to be taken when the static vent blocks on an unpressurised aircraft is to?
5. A VSI Indicates increasing ROD by?
6. VSI lag is reduced by?
7. If the static pipe becomes partly blocked?
8. A VSI?
9. The response rate of a VSI can be improved by fitting a?
10. If the casing of a VSI in a pressurised aircraft develops a leak?

If the pitote pipe becomes partly blocked?

12. What should the VSI Indicate when an aircraft on a 3 degree glideslope is flying at 100 Kts TAS?
13. As an aircraft moves close to the ground during a landing the VSI might?
14. If the static pipe becomes party blocked?