

Answer the following questions

1. The operating frequency range of a low altitude radio altimeter is?
2. For most radio altimeters,when a system error occurs during approach the?
3. For the landing configuration a radio altimeter indicates?
4. A RADALT system is?
5. The frequency range used by a low altitude radio altimeter is?
6. Radio altimeters work on the principal of?
7. The failure of the radio altimeter would cause?
8. The aircraft radio equipment which emits on a frequency of 440 MHz is the?
9. A radalt is?
10. Radio altimeters are based on the principle of?
11. A RADALT employs _________ waveband?
12. The data supplied by a radio altimeter?
13. If there is a fault in the system the radalt display will?
14. A radio altimeter has a maximum effective height because?
15. Modern low altitude radio altimeters emit waves in the following frequency band?
16. A RADALT provides?
17. Low altitude altimeters use the __________ waveband?
18. A radio altimeter will indicate zero when the aircraft is on the ground because of? 1. Frequency modulation of the transmitted signal. 2. Allowance for the signal path through the aircraft. 3. Allowance for the height of the aerials above the main wheels. 4. Beam width compensation. 5. Reducation in gain rate very close to the surface.
19. In low altitude ratio altimeters, the reading is zero when main landing gear wheels are on the ground. For this, it is necessary to?
20. During the qpproach, a crew reads on the radio altimeter the value of 650 ft. The is an indication of the true?
21. A radio altimeter measures?
22. In low altitude radio altimeters height measurement (above ground) is based upon?
23. The operation of the radio altimeter of a modern aircraft is based on?
24. A radio altimeter can be defined as a?
25. Radio altimeters employ?
26. Radio altimeters are accurate only within the height range?
27. Low altitude radio altimeters operate on the ___________wavelength?
28. The low-altitude radio altimeters used in precision approaches: 1.Operate in the 1540-1660 MHz range. 2.Are of the pulsed type. 3. Are of the frequency modulation type. 3. Have an operating range of 0 to 5000 ft. 5. Have a precision of +/-2 feet between 0 and 500 ft. The combination of the correct statements is?
29. A radio altimeter is?