
Questions for KW PITOT STATIC

Answer the following questions

1. An Air Data Computer (ADC)?
2. If the pilot tapping becomes blocked it will affect the operation of? 1. ASI. 2.Altimeter. 3.Radalt. 4.Mach meter. 5. VSI.
3. In case of accidental closing of an aircraft's left static pressure port (rain, birds), the altimeter?
4. In An Air Data Computer (ADC), aeroplane altitude is calculated from?
5. The error in altimeter readings caused by the variation of the static pressure near the source is known as?
6. If the static source to an airspeed indicator (ASI) becomes blocked during a descent the instrument will?
7. If the static vents in an un-pressurised airgraft become blocked?
8. Debris on the sides of a pilot probe not blocking the air tappings might cause?
9. Given : Ts is the static temperature (SAT). Tt is the total temperature (TAT). Kr is the recovery coefficient. M is the Mach number. The total temperature can be expressed approximately by the formula?
10. A pilot blockage of both the ram air input and the drain hole with the static port open causes the airspeed indicator to?
11. The pressure altitude is the altitude corresponding?
12. What inputs are fed to the ADC? (1) AOA. (2) TAT. (3) OAT. (4) Dynamic pressure. (5) Static pressure. (6) Total pressure. (7) AC electrical power. (8) Autopilot commands.
13. A blocked pilot probe will affect?
14. With a pitot probe blocked due to ice build up, the aircraft airspeed indicator will indicate in descent a ?
15. If the static tube and drains become blocked?
16. If an aircraft is equipped with one altimeter which is compensated for position error and another altimeter which is not, all other factors being equal?
17. The response time of a vertical speed detector may be increased by adding a?
18. Which of the following is correct?
19. What will happen to the altimeter indications in an aircraft in level flight if the right static vent becomes blocked and the left remains clear?
20. What advantages are provided by an ADC, compared to traditional pilot static systems? (1) Instrument lag is reduced or eliminated. (2) Position error is automatically correct for. (3) Compressibility error is automatically for. (4) A large number of instruments can be fed from one ADC. (5) It provides emergency altimeter following main system failure.
21. Entering ground effect is likely to?
22. The density altitude is?
23. If the static source becomes blocked in a descent the ASI will ..... indicate , the VSI will.... indicate and the altimeter will .... indicate?
24. If the pilot tube leaks and the pitot drains are blocked in an unpressurised aircraft?
25. On board an aircraft the altitude is measured from the?
26. If the static tube and drains become blocked?
27. A blocked static vent will affect?
28. What will happen to the ASI and mach meter indications in an aircraft IN level flight if the right static vent becomes blocked and the left remains clear?
29. The static pressure error of the static vent on which the altimeter is connected varies substantially with the?
30. During a climb after take-off from a contaminated runway, if the total pressure probe of the airspeed indicator is blocked , the pilot finds that indicated airspeed?
31. If the static slots of a pilot probe become blocked but the pilot tapping remains clear?
32. If the static source of an altimeter becomes blocked during a descent the instrument will?
33. If the static source to an altimeter becomes blocked during a climb, the instrument will?
34. The altimeter consists of one or several aneroid capsules located in a sealed casing. The pressure in the aneroid capsule (i) and casing (ii) are respectively?
35. The altimeter is fed by?
36. A leak in the pilot total pressure line of a non-pressurized aircraft to an airspeed indicator would cause it to?
37. The QNH is by definition the value of the?
38. The operating principle of the vertical speed indicator (VSI) is based on the measurement of the rate of change of ?
39. From where does the ADC obtain its altitude data?
40. The pressure measured at the forward facing orifice of a pitot tube is the?
41. A pilot tube covered by ice which blocks the ram air inlet will affect the following instrument(s)?
42. In a non-pressurized aircraft, if one or several static pressure ports are damaged, there is an ultimate emergency means for restoring a practically correct static pressure intake?
43. What inputs are fed to the ADC? 1. AOA. 2.TAT. 3. OAT 4.Dynamic pressure. 5.Static pressure. 6.Pilot pressure. 7.IAS 8. Mach number.
44. From the ISA table , the atmospheric pressure at FL 70 in a "standard + 10'' atmosphere is?
45. After an aircraft has passed through a volcanic cloud which has blocked the total pressure probe inlet of the airspeed indicator, the pilot begins a stabilized descent and finds that the indicated airspeed?
46. The advantages provided by an air data computer to indicate the altitude are? 1. Position/ pressure error correction. 2. Hysteresis error correction. 3. Remote data transmission capability. 4. Capability to feed data to a large number of instruments simultaneously
47. The airspeed Indicator circuit consists of pressure sensors. The pilot tube directly supplies?
48. A blocked pitot probe will affect?
49. If the static vents in an unpressurised aircraft become blocked?
50. The vertical speed indicator (VSI) is fed by?