
Questions for R* B*L* ASI

Answer the following questions

1. Indicated airspeed corrected for position error is
2. Which of the following is most dangerous?
3. Compressibility Error requires a.... (i) correction because it is .... (ii) of ....(iii) pressure. It gives..... (iv):
4. The reason for having a square-law compensation in the airspeed-indicator mechanism is
5. If the static tube is clogged, which instrument(s) is/are affected?
6. If the static source to an airspeed indicator (ASI) becomes blocked during a descent the instrument will
7. If static source of ASI is blocked during level flight, ASI will
8. If static source of an a/c is blocked during climb. Altimeter ________ and ASI will _____________.
9. The pressure measured at the forward facing orifice of a pitot tube is the
10. A pilot tube covered by ice which blocks the ram air inlet will affect the following instrument (s)
11. Dynamic pressure is
12. Dynamic pressure sensed by or pitot tube : Today's airspeed indicators (calibrated to the Saint-Venant formula), Indicate, in the absence of static (and instrumental) error
13. The Airspeed Indicator measures
14. If the static line to the ASI becomes blocked during a climb, the ASI reading will
15. In a standard atmosphere and at the sea level, the calibrated airspeed (CAS) is
16. A pilot tube covered by ice which blocks the ram air inlet will affect the following Instrument (s)
17. The combined Mach meter / ASI is subject to the following errors
18. VNO is the maximum speed
19. How many disphragms are present in a basic Mach meter?
20. A pilot blockage of both the ram air input and the drain hole with the static port open causes the airspeed indicator to
21. The limits of the white scale of an airspeed indicator are
22. The errors to which the mach meter is subject are
23. The airspeed indicator is calibrated to