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Questions for R* #AL* ALTIMETER
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
1. Bimetallic strip in altimeter is provided
To compensate for adiabatic rise in temperature of temp error
To compensate for thermal expansion of mechanical linkages
To compensate for temp. error
2. What will happen to the altimeter reading in a right sideslip, if an aircraft has a static vent at each side of the fuselage, but the right one is blocked?
Under read
No change
Over read
3. In a barometric altimeter ______ Is fed into the capsule and ____ Is fed into the case?
Vacuum Static pressure
Static pressure dynamic pressure
Dynamic pressure Vacuum
4. The pressure altitude is the altitude corresponding
in standard atmosphere, to the reference pressue Ps
in standard atmosphere, to the pressure Ps prevailing at this point
in ambiant atmosphere, to the reference pressue Ps
5. The altimeter of an aircraft with a static pressure source on each side of the fuselage will if one becomes blocked?
Over read when side slipping
Over read when side slipping towards the clear source
Over read when side slipping towards the blocked source
6. We are maintaining a constant flight level. That means
the outside air pressure is constant
the altitude is constant when the sea-level pressure is constant
the outside air pressure is constant if the temperature remains constant
7. At sea level, on a typical servo altimeter, the tolerance in feet from indicated must not exceed
8. The hysteresis error of an altimeter varies substantially with the
time passed at a given altitude
mach number of the aircraft
Aircraft altitude
9. Transducer in servo assisted altimeter is sued to
Increase sensitivity of altimeter
All the above
To remove lag error
10. An aircraft is passing 6,500 ft in a desert when the static line becomes blocked. The altimeter then reads
less than 6,500 ft
6,500 ft
11. The purpose of stand by static source is
To reduce position error
To be used in emergency
Both a and b
12. If the static source of an altimeter becomes blocked during a descent the instrument will
gradually indicate zero
continue to display the reading at which the blockage occurred
13. The purpose of the vibrating device of an altimeter is to?
Reduce the hysteresis effect
Reduce the effect of friction in the linkages
Allow damping of the measurement in the unit
14. A vibrator is sometimes fitted in an altimeter to?
Reduce instrument errors
Overcome gauge parallax error
Reduce sensing errors
15. The primary factor which makes the servo-assisted altimeter more accurate than the simple pressure altimeter is the use of
combination of counters/pointers
more effective temperature compensating leaf springs
an induction pick-off device
16. The altimeter consists of several aneroid capsules located in a sealed casing. The pressure in the aneroid capsule (i) and casing (ii) are respectively
(i) static pressure (ii) total pressure
(i) vacuum (or a very low pressure) (ii) static pressure
(i) static pressure at time t (ii) static pressure at time t- t
17. The error in altimeter readings caused by the variation of the static pressure near the source is known as
barometric error
position pressure error
hysteresis effect
18. In an aircraft a static source is so placed that it is having subjected to dynamic pressure. The error caused of any will be known as
Position Error
There will be no error
Dynamic Pressure Error
19. An aircraft is flying straight and level, over a warm air mass. The altimeter reading will be
less than the real height
Greater than the real height
20. Lag error in servo assisted altimeter is virtually removed by
Rocking mechanism
Electromechanical pick off device
Using more than one capsule in series
21. The altitude indicated on board an aircraft flying in an atmosphere where all atmosphere layers below the aircraft are warm is
Higher than the real altitude
the same as the real altitude
equal to the standard altitude
22. The advantage of sensitive altimeter over service altimeter is
Instrument error is really eliminated
It does not form lag error
It can be used up to higher altitude
23. In a non-pressurized aircraft, if one or several static pressure ports are damaged, there is an ultimate emergency means for restoring a practically correct static pressure intake
calculating the ambient static pressure, allowing for the altitude and ANH adjusting the instruments
breaking the rate - of -climb indicator glass window
Slightly opening a window to restore the ambient pressure in the cabin
24. What will happen if an a/c has 2 altimeters, one of which is compensated for position error, whilst the other is not
One will under read at high air speed
One will over read at high air speed
One will under read close to the ground
25. Altimeter gives height of aircraft with Respect To
Set Datum
26. A barometric altimeter comprises of?
An aneroid capsule sensing pilot pressure
A differential capsule sensing pilot and static pressures
An aneroid capsule sensing static pressure
27. In case of accidental closing of an aircraft's left static pressue port (rain, birds), the altimeter
Under reads the altitude
over reads the altitude in case of a sideslip to the left and displays the correct information during symmetric flight
keeps on providing reliable reading in all situations
28. From where does the ADC obtain altitude data?
Barometric altitude source
Radio Altimeter
OAT sources
29. A servo altimeter is ____ it employs an electrical pick-off?
Less accurate because
More accurate because
Less reliable because
30. When flying from a sector of warm air into one of colder air, the altimeter will
Over read
Under read
be just as correct as beofre
31. If the pilot source becomes blocked the barometric altimeter will?
Read zero
Be unaffected
32. What will happen to the altimeter reading if an aircraft flying at a fixed heading meets a cloder air mass?
Read more than true altitude
Read less than true altitude
Read zero
33. White zebra crossing on altimeter appears when
a/c is below MSA (minimum safe altitude)
a/c is below10,000
a/c is above, 10,000
34. Pressure error in an altimeter arises because
The true external dynamic pressure is not accurately transmitted to the instrument
The true external kinetic pressure is not accurately transmitted to the instrument
The true external static pressure is not accurately transmitted to the instrument
35. Position error is caused due to
Configuration of A/C
Ground effect
All of the above
36. A servo altimeter has a quoted accuracy of 1 hPa at mean sea level. The accuracy in the standard atmosphere is
+- 50 ft at 10000 ft and +- 100 ft at 40 000 ft
+- 27 ft at MSL and +- 50 ft at 10 000 ft
+- 50 ft at 20 000 ft and +- 90 ft at the tropopause
37. Pressure error is maximum at
High speed and high altitude
As in and under ground effect
Low level and high speed
38. The principle of operation of a servo-assisted pressure altimeter is that
static pressure is used in the same way as a simple altimeter except that several capsules are used
static pressure changes are converted via an E- and I-bar transducer into electrical signal which is used, via a follow-up system, to move a digital counter and pointer system
static pressure enters an aneroid capsule causing it to expand
39. A pilot is given a QNH of 1003 hPa while coming in to land. He forgets to reset his altimeter. The error experienced will be
Pilot Error
Barometric error
Pressure Error
40. When flying from low pressure to high pressure, the barometric error of an altimeter will cause the instrument to
Under read the true altitude of the aircraft
indicate a higher altitude than the correct one
indicate the true altitude
41. If the static pressure source in an un-pressurized aircraft became blocked the altimeter would ______ but might be rectified by ____?
Freeze break the altimeter glass
Read zero open the windows
Read zero break the altimeter glass
42. When flying from a sector of warm air into one of colder air, the altimeter will?
Over read
Under read
Show the actual height above ground
43. For an altimeter, pressure fluctuations at the static vent cause
Hysteresis error
Barometric error
Position error
44. A servo altimeter is _____ than a conventional one because of _____
Less accurate, electrical servos
More accurate, electrical pick off coils
More accurate, electrical servos
45. Temp.error in altimeter is caused due to
Non standard temp at a/c altitude
Non standard temp lapse rate
Non standard MSL temp
46. If icing or debris cause pressure disturbances at the static source, the effect will be?
Increase compressibility error
Increases instrument error
Increased position error
47. If the static vent becomes partly blocked in a descent the indications will?
Be too high when descending but correct when at constant altitude
Be too low when descending but correct when at constant altitude
Be too high when descending but correct when at constant height
48. What will happen to the altimeter reading in a right sideslip, if an aircraft has a static vent at each side of the fuselage, but the left one is blocked?
Under read
No change
Over read
49. If static source of a/c is blocked in un pressurized a/c the correct action for pilot will be
Break glass of altimeter
Use stand by static source
Break glass of VSI
50. The altimeter is fed by
static pressure
differential pressure
dynamic pressure
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