
Questions for R* B*LI PERFORMANCE

Answer the following questions

1. The stop way is an area which allows an increase only in
2. For take-off obstacle clearance calculations, obstacles in the first segment may be avoided
3. The requirements with regard to take-off flight path and the climb segments are only specified for
4. During take-off the third segment begins
5. Assuming that the required lift exists, which forces determine an aero plane's angle of climb?
6. The speed V1 is defined as
7. When the outside air temperature increases, then
8. However does the thrust of fixed propeller vary during take-off run? The thrust
9. Provided all other parameters stay constant. Which of the following alternatives will decrease the take-off ground run?
10. The Induced drag of an aero plane
11. An increase in atmospheric pressure has, among other things, the following consequences on take-off performance
12. An increase in atmospheric pressure has, among other things, the following consequences on landing performance
13. A higher outside air temperature
14. If other factors are unchanged, the fuel mileage (nautical milers per kg) is
15. Changing the take-off flap setting from flap15° to flap 5° will normally result in
16. If there is a tailwind, the climb limited TOM will
17. The critical engine inoperative
18. Which statement regarding V1 is correct?
19. A "Balanced Field Length" is said to exist where
20. What is the advantage of a balance field length condition?
21. The speed VIo is defined as
22. The first segment of the take-off flight path ends
23. In the event of engine failure below V1, the first action to be taken by the pilot in order to decelerate the aero plane is to
24. The result of a higher flap setting up to the optimum at take-off is
25. A multi engine aero plane is flying at the minimum control speed (Vmca). which parameter(s) must be maintainable after engine failure?
26. At a given mass, the stalling speed of a twin engine aircraft is 100kt in the landing configuration. The minimum speed a pilot must maintain in short final is
27. Which of the following speeds can be limited by the "maximum tyre speed"?
28. A constant headwind component
29. Which of the following sets of factory will increase the climb-limited TOM?
30. The "climb gradient" is defined as the ratio of
31. The climb limited take-off mass can be increased by
32. If the field length limited take-off mass has been calculated using a Balanced Field Length technique, the use of any additional clearway in take-off performance calculations may allow
33. Regarding take-off, the take-off decision speed V1
34. During the flight preparation a pilot makes a mistake by selecting a V1 greater than the required. Which problem will occur when the engine fails at a speed immediately above the correct value of V1?
35. How does the beat angle of climb and best rate of climb vary with increasing altitude?
36. What is the effect of a head wind component, compared to still air, on the maximum range speed (IAS) and the speed for maximum climb angle respectively?
37. Which of the following factors favours the selection of a low flap setting for the take-off?
38. In which of the following distances can the length of a stop way be included?
39. IF the antiskid system is inoperative, which of the following statements is true?
40. The stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the aero plane is controllable in landing configuration is abbreviated as