
Questions for R* B*LI MASS AND BALANCE

Answer the following questions

1. An aero plane it said to be "neutrally stable", This is likely to
2. The responsibility for determination of the mass of "operating items" and "crew members" included withing the Dry Operating Mass lies with
3. The center of gravity of a body is that point
4. When considering the effects of increased mass on an aero plane, which of the following is true?
5. If the center of gravity is near the forward limit the aero plane will
MZFM is given as 47,000 kg, the MTOM IS 62,800 kg and the MLM is 54,900 kg. let us assume that there are no performance Limits so that the Regulated Take-off and Landing messes are equal to the Structural Limited Take-off Mass and the Structural Limited Land Mass respectively. Let us also assume that the DOM is 34,000kg that the actual traffic load is 12,400kg, the take off fuel load is 16,000 and 8,000 kg of fuel was used in flight. Can extra load be carried? If yes, how much?
7. The Dry Operating Mass of an aircraft is 2 000 kg. The maximum take-off mass, landing and zero fuel mass are identical at 3500 kg. The block fuel mass is 550kg, and the taxi fuel mass is 50 kg. The available mass of payload is
8. The Zero Fuel Mass and the Dry Operating Mass
9. When preparing to carry out the weighting procedure on an aero plane, which of the following is not required?
10. In relation to an aero plane, the term 'Basic Empty Mass' includes the mass of the aero plane structure complete with its powerplants, systems, furnishing and other items of equipment considered to be an integral part of the particular aero plane configuration. Its value is
11. Aero plane Dry Operating Mass : 85000kg, Performance limited take-off mass: 127000kg, Performance limited landing mass: 98500kg, Maximum zero fuel mass: 89899kg, Fuel requirements for flight: Trip fuel : 29300kg, Contingency and final reserve fuel:3600kg, Alternate fuel:2800kg. The maximum traffic load that can be carried on this flight is
12. What determines the longitudinal stability of an aero plane?
13. Maximum structural take off mass 80000 lbs, Maximum structural landing mass 64 500 lbs, Dry operating mass 50000 lbs, Flight fuel 6000 kgs. Reserve fuel 1500 kgs. Find the traffic load that can be carried
14. The center of gravity of an aero plane is that point through which the total mass of the aero plane is said to act. The weight acts in a direction
15. The following data applies to an aero plane which is about to take off: Certified maximum take-off mass 141500 kg, Performance limited take-off mass 137300 kg Dry Operating Mass 59400 kg, Crew and crew hand baggage mass 640 kg Crew baggage in hold 110 kg, Fuel on board 60700 kg. From this data calculate the mass of the useful load
16. An aero plane is weighted prior to entry into service, Who is responsible for deriving the Dry Operational Mass from the weighted mass by the addition of the operational items"?
17. An aero plane's weighing schedule indicates that the empty mass is 57320 kg. The nominal Dry Operating Mass is 60120 kg and the Maximum Zero Fuel Mass is given as 72100 kg. Which of the following is a correct statement in relation to this aero plane?
18. On an aero plane without central fuel tank, the maximum Zero Fuel Mass is related to
19. The weight of an aero plane, which is in level non accelerated flight, is said to act
20. An aero plane may be weighted
21. The take-off mass of an aero plane is 117000 kg, comprising a traffic load of 18000kg and fuel of 46000kg. What is the dry operating mass?
22. The mass of an aero plane weighing more than 2000 Kgs must be determined prior to initial entry into service and thereafter
23. An aero plane is loaded with its center of gravity towards the rear limit. This will result in
24. Prior to departure an aero plane is loaded with 16500 litres of fuel at a density of 780kg/m∧3. This is entered into the load sheet as 16500kg and calculations are carried out accordingly. As a result of this error, the aero plane is
25. The stalling speed of an aero plane will be highest when it is loaded with a
26. A flight is to be made from M to N and return to M carrying max. Traffic load in each direction fuel is not available at N. Distance to M to N 80mm, Mean ground speed M to N 70 K. Mean ground speed N to 110 K. Mean fuel consumption 410 Kg/hr. Max take off Mass at M 6180 Kg. Max landing mas at N 5740 Kg. Max take off mass at N 5800 Kg. Max landing mass at M 5460 Kg. Max zero fuel mass 5180 Kg. Aircraft mass less fuel and traffic load 4400 Kg. Reserve fuel (assume not used) 250 Kg. Calculate : (i) Max traffic load which can be carried from M to N (ii) Max traffic load which can be carried from N to M
27. The following data is extracted from an aero plane's loading manifest: Performance limited take-off mass 93500 kg. Expected landing mass at destination 81700kg. Maximum certificated landing mass 86300 kg, Fuel on board 16500 kg, During the flight a diversion is made to an en-route alternate which is not performance limited' for landing. Fuel remaining at landing is 10300 kg. The landing mass
28. In relation to an aero plane, the term "Basic Empty Mass" includes the mass of the aero\plane structure complete with its power plants, systems, furnishings and other items of equipment considered to be an integral part of the particular aero plane configuration. It value is
29. Maximum structural take-off mass 48 000 kg, Maximum structural landing mass : 44 000 kg, Maximum zero fuel mass : 36 000 kg, Taxi fuel : 600 kg, Contingency fuel : 900 kg, Alternate fuel : 800 kg, Final reserve fuel : 1 100 kg Trip fuel : 9 000 kg, Determine the actual take-off mass
30. PLTOM 45000 lbs PLLM 40000 lbs, Flight fuel 4000 lbs, Reserve fuel 800 lbs, DOM 25000 lbs Find :(i) Traffic load, (ii) Can you carry additional reserve fuel without affecting traffic load, if so how much
31. During take-off you notice that, for a given elevator input, the aero plane rotates much more rapidly than expected. This is an indication that
32. Fuel loaded onto an aero plane is 15400kg but is erroneously entered into the load and trim sheet as 14500kg. This error is not detected by the flight crew but they will notice that
33. When an aero plane is stationary on the ground, its total weight will act vertically
34. An aero plane must be re-weighed at certain intervals, Where an operator uses an aircraft weighing less than 2000 kgs, this interval is
35. An aero plane is weighted and the following recordings are made: nose wheel assembly scale 5330kg, left main wheel assembly scale 12370kg, right main wheel assembly scale 12480kg, If the "operational items" amount to a mass of 1780kg with a crew mass of 545kg, the empty mass, as entered in the weight schedule, is
36. From P to Q (where fuel is not available )& return to P. Maximum traffic load is to be off loaded at Q & maximum traffic load is to be uplifted from Q. the data given is: Distance P to Q 610 nm, Mass no fuel & no traffic load 36500 kg, Max landing mass 52400 kg. Max take off mass 63000 kg, Reserve fuel unused 400 kg. Additional fuel for each flight (T/O circuit landing etc.) 500 kg. Mean fuel consumption 1350 kg. /hr. Mean ground speed P to Q 240 K, Mean ground speed Q to P 280 K,Find: (i) fuel to be lifted at P, (ii) Maximum traffic load P to Q (iii) Maximum traffic load Q to P.
37. Max T/o mass - 51.00 Tone, RTOM - 50.00 Tone, Max landing mass - 44.20 Tone, RLM - 43.20 Tone, Max Zero fuel mass- 45.10 Tone, APS mass - 27.50 Tone, Trip fuel - 4.2 Tone. Reserve fuel - 1.00 Ton. Find the traffic load that can be carried
38. Max Take off mass 80000 Lbs, Maximum landing mass 60000 Lbs, Dry operating mass 48000 Lbs, TAS 200 K, Track 350, WN 350/20, Distance 1350nm, Fuel consumption 2500 Lbs/hr, Reserve fuel 3500 Lbs. Find the traffic load that can be carried
39. A revenue flight is to be made by a jet transport. The following are the aero plane's structural limits: Maximum Ramp Mass:69 900 kg, Maximum Take Off Mass : 69 300 kg, Maximum Landing Mass: 58 900 kg, Maximum Zero Fuel Mass : 52 740 kg, The performance limited take off mass is 67 450kg and the performance limited landing mass is 55 470 kg. Dry Operating Mass : 34 900 kg, Trip Fuel : 6 200 kg, Taxi Fuel : 250 kg, Contingency & final reserve fuel : 1 300 kg, Alternate Fuel : 1 100 kg, The maximum traffic load that can be carried is
40. A revenue flight is planned for the transport aero\plane. The take-off mass is not airfield limited. The following data applies: Dry Operating Mass: 34930kg, Performance limited landing mass : 55000kg Fuel on board at ramp: Taxi fuel : 350kg, Trip fuel : 9730kg Contingency and final reserve fuel : 1200kg, Alternate fuel : 1600kg, Passengers on board : 130, Standard mass for each passenger: 84kg, Baggage per passenger: 14kg Traffic load: Maximum possible Determine the maximum cargo load that may be carried without exceeding the limiting aero plane landing mass.
41. If the center of gravity of an aero plane moves forward during flight the elevator control will
42. A flight benefits from a strong tail wind which was not forecast. On arrival at destination a straight in approach and immediate landing clearance is given. The landing mass will be higher than panned and
43. At the flight preparation stage, the following parameters in particular are available for determining the mass of the aircraft: 1. Dry operating mass, 2. Operating mass Which statement is correct
Load sheet reads A/C wt, no fuel, no payload = 63,200 kg Max TOW = 99,000 kg Route-fuel (excluding reserve) = 18,200 kg Reserve (assume unused) = 3,000 kg, If max landing weight is 76,500 kg, and MZFW 74,000 kg, fine: (a) TOW when maximum payload is carried. (b) Maximum payload.
45. An additional baggage container is loaded into the aft cargo compartment but is not entered into the load and trim sheet. The aero plane will be heavier than expected and calculated take-off safety speeds
46. When the center of gravity is the forward limit, an aero plane will be
47. The center of gravity of an aero plane
48. The crew pf a transport aero plane prepares a flight using the following data: - Block fuel : 40 000 kg, Trip fuel : 29 000 kg, Taxi fuel : 800 kg - Maximum take-off mass: 170 000 kg, Maximum landing mass : 148 500 kg, - Maximum zero fuel mass: 112 500 kg, Dry operating mass : 80 400 kg. The maximum traffic load for this flight is
49. The Dry Operating Mass of an aero plane includes
50. The crew of a transport aero plane prepares a flight using the following data: Dry operating mass : 90,000 kg, Block fuel : 30,000 kg, Taxi fuel : 800 kg, Maximum take-off mass : 145 000 kg The traffic load available for this flight is