

Answer the following questions

1. Flight Planning chart for an aero plane states, that the time to reach the cruising level at a given gross mass is 36 minutes and the distance traveled is 157NM (zero-wind). What will be the distance traveled with an average tailwind component of 60kt?
2. Aircraft height 2500 FT, ILS GP angle 3°. At what approximate distance from THR can you expect to capture the GP?
3. SG = 0.74 = TRK - 160°, ISA Dev - +5, FL - 310, M.NO - 0.75, OAT - ________ , TAS - ________ , Winds - 270 30, Dist - 424 , Time - ________, F/C - 0.14nm/kg, Fuel Used - _______ IG
4. SG = 0.74 = TRK - 43°, ISA Dev - -5, FL - 300, M.NO - 0.76, OAT - ________ , TAS - ________ , Winds - 240 22, Dist - 503 , Time - ________, F/C - 35 USG/Hr, Fuel Used - _______ Kg
5. At 0422 an aircraft at FL370, GS 320kt, is on the direct track to VOR 'X' 185 NM distant. The aircraft is required to cross VOR 'X' at FL80. For a mean rate of descent of 1800 FT/MIN at a mean GS of 232 kt, the latest time at which to commence descent is?
6. With a TAS pf 090 K the relative hearing on an ADF changes from 09° to 10° in 2 1/2 min. the distance & time beacon is
7. According to the chart the minimum obstruction clearance altitude (MOCA) is 8500ft. The meteorological data gives an outside air temperature of -20°C at FL 85. The QNH, given by a met. station at an elevation of 4000ft, is 1003hPa. What is the minimum pressure altitude which should be flown according to the given MOCA?
8. Pressure Altitude (ft) - 16000, RAS kt - 210, Temp Devn - ISA+7°C, Fuel Flow kg/hr - 2600, SG - 0.80. Pressure Altitude (ft) - 20000, RAS kt - 200, Temp Devn - ISA+5°C, Fuel Flow kg/hr - 2600, SG - 0.80. Pressure Altitude (ft) - 22000, RAS kt - 210, Temp Devn - ISA+4°C, Fuel Flow kg/hr - 2600, SG - 0.80. Assuming a 40 kt headwind at all levels. a) Determine the ground nautical miles flown per 100 kg of fuel for the three tabulated pressure altitudes. b) State which tabulated pressure altitude will give the best fuel economy for range. c) Calculate the minimum fuel required in Imperial gallons for a flight of 2000 nm.
9. An aircraft at FL370 is required to commence descent when 100NM from a DME facility and to cross the station at FL 120. If the mean GS during the descent is 396 kt, the minimum rate of descent required is approximately?
After flying for 2 hr 40 minutes at G/S of 360 kts, an A/C is 30 nm starboard of track. If the remaining time to go to destination at a G/S of 240 kts is 45 min, what should be the heading to reach destination if the A/C was originally flying on Hdg 358°.
Distance along track 9s 600 nm. Distance to go 300 nm, distance off track 20nm. Find TEA, CA and total correction
12. Maintaining a constant heading the ADF reading changes from 045 to 090 in 5 min. TAS is 120 Fuel consumption is 5 GPH. The distance to beacon is
13. The ADF indicates a wing tip hearing change of 5° in 1.5 min. The time to beacon is
14. Maintaining a constant heading the ADF reading changes from 315 to 270 in 7 min. TAS is 120 Fuel consumption is 18 GPH. The distance to beacon is
After flying for 1 hr 30 min at G/S 150 Kts on a/c is 15 nm off track. If the remaining time to go to destination is 45 min at a G/S of 180 kts. Find closing angle.
16. SG = 0.74 = TRK - 033°, ISA Dev - -2, FL - 290, M.NO - 0.54, OAT - ________ , TAS - ________ , Winds -330 25, Dist - 700 , Time - ________, F/C - 11 kg/am, Fuel Used - _______ Ltrs.
17. An aircraft is tracking outbound from a VOR. The intention is to maintain the centerline of an airway which is defined by the 300° radial from the VOR. A back-bearing from the VOR shows the aircraft to be on the 295° radial, and at the same time the DME gives a range of 85nm from the VOR. Determine the aircraft's displacement from the airway centerline.
Route 600 nm. A/C climbs at G/S of 160 kts for 0:30 min. During cruise G/S is 250 kts. Descends for 0:20 min, G/S 180 kts. Total flying time on cruise and route?
19. With a TAS of 115 Kts the relative hearing on an ADF change from 09° to 095° in 1 1/2 min. The distance to beacon is
20. A sector distance is 450NM long. The TAS is 460kt. The wind component is 50kt tailwind. What is the still air distance?
What is the ETA at C?
What is the ETA at Z?
23. Set course at point 'A' at 1,000' Climb to PA - 27,000' ROC = 500 FPM Trk = 045° TAS = 280 kts. Find W/V = 070°/35 Fuel consumption = 800 kg/hr. Variation + 3°. Deviation 7° (i) Dist, Time and fuel using during climb (ii) Hdg (M), Hdg (C)
24. The ADF indicates a wing tip bearing change of 15° in 7.5 min. The fuel consumption is 9.6 GPH. TAS is 85 K. The distance to beacon is
25. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 7% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 250 knots?
26. A descent is planned from 7500ft MSL so as to arrive at 1000ft MSL 6NM from a VORTAC. With a GS of 156 kts and a rate of descent of 800ft/min. The
27. Assuming zero wind, what distance is covered by an aircraft descending 15000 FT with a TAS of 320 kt and maintaining a rate of descent of 3000 FT/MIN?
28. An aircraft is flying at MACH p.84 at FL 330. The static air temperature is -48°C and the headwind component 52kt. At 1338UTC the controller requests the pilot to cross the meridian of 030W at 1500UTC. Given the distance to go is 570NM, the reduced MACH No. should be
29. In bound on radial 090. Pilots rotates OBS 10 deg to the left & turns the aircraft to right by 10° & notes the time. While maintaining a constant heading it is noticed that the CDI is centered in 8 minutes. Consider nil winds. Based on this you can conclude that the time to station will be
30. A/C sets course from 4000' PA and climbs to 16000' PA. Rate of climb 500 FPM. Mean winds 200/20 kts. Maintains a constant RAS = 130 kts, at 4000' ISA - 5°C; at 16,000' ISA - 5°C, at mean sea level PA ISA + 15. Time and dist in nil winds will be a) 24/80 nm b) 24/60 nm c) 40/103 nm
After flying for 2 hrs 30 min at G/S of 240 kts a/c is 20 nm right of track, if remaining time to go to destination is 1 hr. what is the new hdg to reach the destination, if a/c was originally flying on hdg 270°.
32. The ADF indicates a wing tip bearing change of 5° in 5 min. TAS is 115 Kts. The distance to beacon is
33. During climb from 1,000 PA to 9,000 PA, 50 air nautical miles are covered in 20 min. Trk 090° W/V = 270/30 kts. Find rate of climb and distance covered. a) 400/60 b) 100/40 c) 450/40
34. An aero plane flies at an airspeed of 380kt. It flies from A to B and back to A. Distance AB=480NM. When going from A to B, it experiences a headwind component=60kt. The wind remains constant. The duration of the flight will be