

Answer the following questions

1. The type of compass least likely to suffer from parallax is
2. An aircraft using a direct reading magnetic compass in the Northern hemisphere starts a Rate 1 turn to the right from 145°. What will be the indicated heading if it rolls out of the turn after 30 seconds?
3. The forces acting upon the compass needle in a stand-by compass in an aircraft, are
4. The north and south magnetic poles are the only positions on the earth's surface where?
5. How is the direct reading magnetic compass made aperiodic or dead beat?
6. Magnets in DRC are suspended below to
7. Why are the detector units in slaved gyro compasses usually fitted in or close to the wingtips of an aircraft?
8. The purpose of compass check swing is to?
Magnetic dip 40°, H value = 23 unit, value of Z and T will be
10. What is the dip angle at the South Magnetic Pole?
11. Which of the following statements concerning earth magnetism is completely correct?
12. An aircraft is accelerating in the Northern hemisphere heading West. Will a direct reading magnetic compass (1) over-read or under-read and (2) Indicate a turn to the north or to the south?
13. In northern hemisphere, during an acceleration in an easterly direction, the magnetic compass will indicate?
14. What will be the effect on its direct reading compass when an aircraft on Equator accelerates whilst traveling westwards
15. The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field?
16. When using a direct reading magnetic compass in the northern hemisphere
17. An aircraft in the northern hemisphere makes an accurate rate one turn to the right/starboard. If the initial heading was 330°, after 30 seconds of the turn the direct reading magnetic compass should read?
18. An aircraft's compass must be swung?
19. A line drawn on a chart which joins all points where the value of magnetic variation is zero is called an?
20. Compass deviation is caused by
21. The magnitude or variation?
22. Disadvantage of Remote sensing compass over DRC is
23. A ground feature appears 30° to the left on the center line of the CRT of an airborne weather radar. If the heading of the aircraft is 355°. (M) and the magnetic variation is 15°. East, the true bearing of the aircraft from the feature is?
24. In a remote indicating compass system the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits may be minimized by?
25. Complete the following statement regarding magnetic variation. The charted values of magnetic variation on earth normally change annually due to?
26. When decelerating on a westerly heading in the Northern hemisphere, the compass card of a direct reading magnetic compass will turn?
27. The sensitivity of a direct reading compass varies?
28. A direct reading compass should be swung when?
29. Why does the value of magnetic variation on a chart change with time?
30. An aircraft is completing a timed turn in the Northern hemisphere from 330°C to 040°C. After the turn has been stopped but before the direct indicating magnetic compass settles down, will the compass (1) over-read or under-read. and (2) is this error increased or decreased by liquid swirl?
31. Which of the following is an occasion for carrying out a compass swing on a Direct Reading Compass?
32. Deviation applied to magnetic heading gives?
33. At the magnetic equator?
34. At what point on the earth is a magnetic compass most effective?
35. When turning right from 320° (C) to 050° (C) in the Southern hemisphere, the reading of a direct reading magnetic compass will?
36. In the areas close to the magnetic poles compasses are not to any use in air navigation, mainly because
37. At the magnetic equator, when accelerating after take off on heading West, a direct reading compass?
38. Which of the following statements is true of the Earth's magnetic field?
39. The magnetic north pole seems to rotate around the geographical north pole. A complete rotation takes about
40. An aircraft in the northern hemisphere is making an accurate rate one turn to the right. If the initial heading was 135° after 30 seconds the direct reading magnetic compass should read?
41. At the magnetic equator?
42. Which of the following is the correct conversion from True to Compass? T V M D C
43. Given that T = 50 micro-tesla (m T), dip angle = 60, calculate H and Z
44. Select the correct statement
45. Which of the following is correct when the variation is West?
46. Which of the following statements is correct concerning the effect of turning errors on a direct reading compass?
47. When accelerating on a westerly heading in the northern hemisphere, the compass card of a direct reading magnetic compass will turn?
48. Which of the following statements concerning the earth's magnetic field is completely correct?
49. A magnetic compass will show an apparent turn to the north in the southern hemisphere when
50. At a specific location the value of magnetic variation?