

Answer the following questions

An A/C takes off from (50°S 004°E) and flies on track of 090°for 2 hrs and then alters its track to 180° and later it alters its track to 270° after flying for 1 hr 27 min, it crosses the meridian by 4°E. If G/S of the A/C was constant at 380 Kts throughout the flight, what was the flying time of the aircraft on second leg?
2. Great Circle Distant - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Great Circle Distances - 53°25'N, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 108°00'E, B Latitude Great Circle Distances - 47°17'N, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 108°00'E, D Lat - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________ .
3. The "departure" between positions 60°N160°E and 60°N "X" is 900nm. what is the longitude of "X"?
4. Great Circle Distant - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Great Circle Distances - 37°27'S, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 049° 21'E, B Latitude Great Circle Distances - 43°21'S, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 049°21'E, D Lat - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________ .
5. An aircraft at latitude 02°20'N tracks 180°(T) for 8=685km. on completion of the flight the latitude will be
6. Great Circle Distant - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Great Circle Distances - 78°47'N, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 035°45'W, B Latitude Great Circle Distances - 84°35'N, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 144°15'E, D Lat - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________ .
7. Great Circle Distant - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Great Circle Distances - 10°21'S, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 113° 47'W, B Latitude Great Circle Distances - 05°17'N, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 113°47'W, D Lat - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________
8. The circumference of the parallel of latitude at 60°N is approximately
9. An aircraft at position 60°N005°W tracks 090°(T) for 315km. on completion of the flight the longitude will be
10. Position A 60°N020°W, Position B 60°NO21°W and Position C 59°N020°W. What are, respectively, the distances from A to B and from A to C?
11. Great Circle Distant - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Great Circle Distances - 49°00'S, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 012° 25'E, B Latitude Great Circle Distances - 45°00's, Longitude Great Circle Distances - 012°25'E, D Lat - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________ .
12. How many feet are there in 1 sm?
13. How many feet are there in a nm?
14. A flight is to be made from "A" 49°S180°E/@ to "b" 58°S180°E/W. the distance in kilometers from "A" to "B" is approximately
15. Rhumb Line Distance - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 47°30'N, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 025°00'W, B Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 47°30'N, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 044°28'W, D Long - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________ .
16. How many feet are equivalent to 9, 5 km?
17. What is the longitude of a position 6NM to the east of 58°42'N094°00'W?
18. An aircraft at latitude 10°S flies north at a GS of 890km/h. what will its latitude be after 1.5h?
19. In international aviation the following units are used for horizontal distance
An A/C takes off from A (30°S 060°E) and flies in northerly direction for 600 nm, thereafter in easterly direction for 600 nm. Thereafter southerly direction for 600 nm, thereafter westerly direction for 600 nm. Find final position of A/C in nm. East or of starting position.
An A/C takes off from (45° 40' N 176° 36°E) and flies on true track of 090°for 1480 kms. Find lat - long of destination.
22. When dealing with heights and altitudes in international aviation, we use the following units
23. Rhumb Line Distance - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 21°00'N, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 010°43'E, B Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 21°00'N, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 016°17'E, D Long - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________
24. An aircraft departing A(N40° 00' E080° 00') flies a constant true track of 270° at a ground speed of 120 kts. What are the coordinates of the position reached in 6 HR?
An A/C takes off from X (39° 42' N 105° 20'E) for Y(39° 42'N 178' 35' E). Find R/L Distance.
An A/C takes off from A (27° 13'N 024° 37'E) to B (27°13'N 094° 37' W). Find departure.
27. What is the time required to travel along the parallel of latitude 60°N between meridians 010°E and 030°W at a groundspeed of 480Kt?
28. An aircraft at latitude 10°North flies south at a groundspeed of 445km/h. what will be its latitude after 3h?
29. Position A is located on the equator at longitude 130°00'E. Position B is located 100NM from A on a bearing of 225°(T). The coordinates of position B are
30. Position A 45°N, ?°E, Position B 45°N, 45°15'E, Distance A-B=280NM. B is to the East of A , Required : longitude of position A?
31. Consider the following statements
32. Units used for, measuring vertical distances (altitude, elevation and height) are meters and feet. In India, feet is used. For horizontal distances units used are NMs. KMs & meters. In India NMs are used above 2NMs and meters for short distances.
33. Position A 00°N100°E Position B is 240°(T), 200NM from A. What is the position of B?
An a/c takes off from place X (45°20'N 010° 05'E) and flies in R/L direction of 270° for 800 nm. Find lat - long of destination.
Departure = 250 nm, D long = 4°50', find latitude.
36. If an aeroplane was to circle around the Earth following parallel 60°N at a ground speed of 480kt. In order to circle around the Earth along the equator in the same amount of time, it should fly at a ground speed of:
37. In order to fly from position A (10°00'N030°00'W) to position B (30°00'N050°00'W), maintaining a constant true course, it is necessary to fly
An A/C takes off from 10° N 175°E it flies in southerly direction for 600 nm. Thereafter in easterly direction for 600 nm. Thereafter in southerly direction for 600 nm. Find lat - long of destination.
39. A nautical mile is defined as
40. Rhumb Line Distance - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 52°00'N, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 21°31'W, B Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 52°00'N, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 010°17'E, D Long - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________
41. Kilometer is defined as
An A/C takes off from (48°5' N 001° W) and flies on track of 270° for 2 hrs 10 min and then alters its track to 360° and later it alters its track to 090°, after flying for 1 hr 32 min, it crosses the meridian by 1° W. If G/S of the A/C was 420 Kts throughout the flight, what was the flying time on second leg.
43. Rhumb Line Distance - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 13°00'S, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 175°17'E, B Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 13°00'S, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 168°31'W, D Long - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________
44. An aircraft departs from position A (04°10'S178°22'W) and flies northward following the meridian for 2950NM. It then flies westward along the parallel of latitude for 382NM to position B. The coordinates of position are?
Two A/C A and B take off from X (53°N 004°E') for point Y (60°N 016°W). A/C A tiles due north till 60° latitude and then due west to Y. A/C B flies due west till 016°W than to Y. Which A/C travels shorter and by how many nautical miles.
A/C flying from place X (27°27'N 030° 24' E) to Y(27° 27' N 108° 47' E). Find rhumb line Distance.
47. Rhumb Line Distance - fill in the blanks: A Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 49°00'S, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 012°25'E, B Latitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 49°00'S, Longitude Rhumb Line (departure) Distance - 025°45'E, D Long - ________ , Distance (nm) - _________
An A/C takes off from X (32° 48'S 178° 10'W) and flies on true westerly track for 450 nm. Find lat long of Y.
49. I nautical mile equals
50. An aircraft flies a great circle track from 56°N070°W to 62°N110°E. The total distance traveled is?