

Answer the following questions

1. Hdg°(C) - 220 , Deviation - (-4), Hdg°(M) - ________ , Variation - 5W , Hdg°(T) - ________.
Find values from the information provided below: Draw diagrams for each situation. Var - 4°, Compass - ________ , True - 224°, Dev - 4°E, Magnetic - __________.
3. A line joining places of zero variation is called
4. For flying in a given direction, the pilot needs a
5. Hdg°(C) - _______ , Deviation - 16W, Hdg°(M) - 300, Variation - 16E , Hdg°(T) - ________.
6. The true direction to be followed between two points can be obtained if you have a
7. Hdg°(C) - _______ , Deviation - 12W, Hdg°(M) - _______ , Variation - 12W , Hdg°(T) - 220
8. Hdg°(C) - 345, Deviation - (-7), Hdg°(M) - _______ , Variation - 27E , Hdg°(T) - _________.
Find values from the information provided below: Draw diagrams for each situation. Var - 3°W, Compass - ___________, True - 090°, Dev - 7°E, Magnetic - __________.
Find values from the information provided below: Draw diagrams for each situation. Var - (+6°), Compass - 300°, True - _________ , Dev - (+4°), Magnetic - __________.
11. Variation is the angular difference at a place between True North and Magnetic North and expressed in degrees to the East or West of
12. Hdg°(C) - _______ , Deviation - (+10) , Hdg°(M) - _______ , Variation - 7E , Hdg°(T) - 270
13. Hdg°(C) - 120, Deviation - 10W, Hdg°(M) - _______ , Variation - 15E , Hdg°(T) - _________.
14. When Variation is East
Find values from the information provided below: Draw diagrams for each situation. Var - ________, Compass - 274°, True - 270°, Dev - ________, Magnetic - 268.
16. Lines joining places of equal variation shown on a map/chart are called
17. Hdg°(C) - 030, Deviation - 10E, Hdg°(M) - ________, Variation - 4E , Hdg°(T) - ________.
18. Hdg°(C) - 000, Deviation - 10W, Hdg°(M) - ________, Variation - 17W , Hdg°(T) - ________
19. Hdg°(C) - _______ , Deviation - 3E, Hdg°(M) - 215, Variation - 6W , Hdg°(T) - ________.
20. Hdg°(C) - _______ , Deviation - 4E, Hdg°(M) - 132 , Variation - 24W , Hdg°(T) - _________.