
Questions for Electricals A320

Answer the following questions

1. The purpose of the AUTO BUS TIE is to allow either engine-driven IDG to automatically power both main AC buses in the event of a generator loss until either ground power or the APU generator is activated.
2. When does the RAT automatically deploy?
3. If normal electrical power is lost; essential cockpit lighting is maintained for the:
4. The normal priority for supplying electrical power to the AC busses is:
5. The number 1 AC bus channel normally supplies power to _____ and to the _____ bus which supplies power to the ______ bus.
6. While operating on Emergency Electrical Power with the landing gear lowered which of the following control laws is in effect?
7. What is the function of the GEN 1 LINE push button?
8. Which of the following AC busses can be powered by the emergency generator?
9. The BAT FAULT light will illuminate when:
10. During the five seconds it takes for the RAT to extend:
11. Which flight control computer will be inoperative with gear extension while in the Emergency Electrical Configuration?
12. The IDG Fault light indicates:
13. A battery fault light will illuminate when:
14. If the battery voltages are below the minimum, how do you charge them?
15. Do not depress the IDG DISCONNECT switch for more than _______ to prevent damage to the disconnect mechanism.
16. On the cockpit overhead panel, there is a three position EMERGENCY EXIT Light switch. What lights are associated with this switch?
17. Are there any limitations associated with disconnecting an IDG?
18. The RAT is connected directly (mechanically) to the Emergency Generator
19. The engine generators and APU generator are rated at _____ KVA.
20. The emergency generator supplies power as long as:
21. When will the RAT & EMER GEN red FAULT light illuminate?
22. If both engine generators are powering the system, and one subsequently fails, are any busses unpowered?
23. The APU is supplying the electrical system. What is the order of priority for the different generators?
24. What is the significance of the green collared circuit breakers?
25. You enter a dark cockpit, what action is necessary before checking the battery voltages?
26. How many times can you reset a circuit breaker?
27. What is the minimum voltage when conducting a BATTERY CHECK?
28. With the EMER EXIT LT selector in the ARM position, which situation will activate the emergency lights and exit signs?
29. The A-320 has _______ batteries in its main electrical system.
30. Is it possible to parallel generators?
31. Having started the APU, how can you get the APU generator to power the electrical system?
32. After landing, in the emergency electrical configuration: the batteries automatically connect to the DC BAT bus when speed decreases below _______ knots.
33. During a routine flight, which of the following would result after the loss of Gen #2 and the subsequent start of the APU?
34. Which voltage requires recharging or replacing the batteries?
35. What cockpit lighting is available during an emergency electrical situation?
36. An AC ESS FEED switch located on the overhead panel shifts the power source for the AC ESS bus from:
37. If batteries are the only source of power in flight, how long will battery power be available?
38. What is the function of APU GEN push button located on the overhead electrical panel?
39. The BATTERY BUS is normally powered by:
40. What is the significance of the circuit breakers on the overhead panel?
41. When no other power is available in flight, the static inverter converts _____ power to AC power for the ______ bus; and ______ powers the _______ bus.