
Questions for EARTH

Answer the following questions

1. The Earth rotates about it's
2. Calculate the d'long between position A 165°W and position B 103°W. Aircraft is flying from A to B
3. A meridian is a
4. A great circle is any circle on the surface of the Earth whose
5. Point A is 20°30'N and point B 41°30'S. If an aircraft is travelling from A and B, what is the d'lat?
6. Parallels of Latitude and Meridians of longitude on the Earth
7. The distance around the Earth along the Equator and around the meridian and antemeridian is
8. Latitude is expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds to the North or South of
9. The maximum Latitude can be as much as
Calculate the d'long between A 165°W and B 170°E. Aircraft is flying from A to B.
11. Graticule is the network of meridians and parallels on
12. For measuring latitude, the datum used is
13. The datum for measuring Longitude is called
14. Rhumb line is a curved line on the Earth cutting successive meridians at the same angle. It is
15. The shortest distance between any two points on the Earth is defined by
16. Earth is a
17. The only line on the Earth which is both Great Circle and rhumb line is
18. The maximum difference between geocentric and geodetic latitude occurs at about
19. The cardinal points are
20. The ratio of the ellipticity of the earth is 1/297, if the major axis is 6956 km at the equator, what is the minor axis (poles)?