
Questions for SOLAR SYSTEM

Answer the following questions

1. The UTC of sunrise on 6 December at WINNIPEG (Canada) (49°50'N 097°30'W) is?
2. On the 27th of February, at 55°S and 020°W. The sunrise is at 0250 UTC. On the same day, at 55°S and 075°W, the sunrise is at?
3. At what approximate date is the earth closest to the sun (perihelion) ?
4. In which months is the difference between apparent noon and means noon the greatest?
5. In which two months of the year is the difference between the transit of the Apparent Sun and Mean Sun across the Greenwich Meridian the greatest?
6. When standing at the South Pole in which direction will you be facing?
7. The sun rises at 55° N and 050°E on the 25th January at 0254 UTC. On the same day what time does it rises at 55° N and 040° W?
8. The angle between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of equator is approximately?
9. How would you define standard time in relation to UTC?
10. At 1200 Standard Time on the 10th July in Queensland, Australia, what is the Standard Time in Hawaii, USA?
11. What is the Standard Time in Hawaii when it is 0600 ST on the 16 July in Queensland, Australia?
12. What is the local mean time, position 65°25'N 123°45'W at 2200 UTC?
13. Two aircrafts are flying eastwards around the earth. Aircraft A is flying along the 75N parallel of latitude and aircraft B is flying along 45S. If aircraft A is flying at a groundspeed of 300 knots, what would be the groundspeed of aircraft B both aircraft fly once round the Earth in the same journey time?
14. The angle between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of equator is approximately?
15. On the 27th of February, at 52°S and 040°E, the sunrise is at 0243UTC. On the same day, at 52°S and 035°W, the sunrise is at?
16. Two aircraft are flying eastwards around the earth. Aircraft A is flying along the 50N parallel of latitude B is flying along the equator. If aircraft A is flying at a groundspeed of 340 knots, what would be the groundspeed of aircraft B both aircraft fly once round the Earth in the same journey time?
17. Two aircraft are flying eastwards around the earth. Aircraft A is flying along the 60N parallel of latitude and aircraft B is flying along the 20°N parallel. If aircraft A is flying at a groundspeed of 240 knots, what would be the groundspeed of aircraft B both aircraft once round the Earth in the same journey time?
18. The UTC of the end of evening civil twilight in position 51°N 008°W on 15 August is?
19. If it is 0700 hours Standard Time in Kuwait, what is the Standard Time in Algeria?
20. The circumference of the Earth is approximately?
21. At what times of the year does the length of the hours of daylight change most rapidly?
22. What is the approximate circumference of the earth?
23. At what approximate date is the earth furthest from the sun (aphelion)?
24. Two aircraft are flying eastwards around the earth. Aircraft A is flying along the 45N parallel of latitude and aircraft B is flying along the equator. If aircraft A is flying at a groundspeed of 300 knots, what would be the groundspeed of aircraft B both aircraft fly once round the Earth in the same journey time?
25. When it is 1000 Standard Time in Kuwait, the Standard Time in Angola is?
26. The ratio of the ellipticity of the earth is 1/297, if the major axis in 6956 km at the equator, what is the major axis (poles)?
27. The main reason that day and night, throughout the year, have different duration, is due to the?
28. What is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will reach and angle of 90° above the horizon at some time during the year?
29. Civil Twilight occurs between?
30. The duration of civil twilight is the time?
31. An aircraft takes off from Guam at 2300 Standard Time on 30 April local date. After a flight of 11 HR 15 MIN it lands at Los Angeles (California). What is the Standard Time and local date of arrival (assume summer time rules apply)?
32. Assuming mid-latitudes (40° to 50°N/S). At which time of year is the relationship between the length of day and night, as well as the rate of change of declination of the sun, changing at the greatest rate?
33. When it is 1300 Standard Time in Queensland (Australia) the Standard Time in Hawaii (USA) is?
34. The sun rises at 45° N and 025° E on the 21st March at 1633 UTC. On the same day what time does it rise at 45° N and 060° W?
35. What is the meaning of the term "Standard time"?
36. The main reason that day and night, throughout the year, have different duration, is due to the?
37. The UTC of the end of civil twilight in position 051N 008W on the 15th August?
38. What is the highest latitude on the Earth at which the sun can be vertically overhead?
39. What is the UTC time at sunrise in Vancouver, British COLUMBIA, Canada 49N 123 30 W on the 6th December?
40. Two aircraft are flying eastwards around the earth. Aircraft A is flying along the 30N parallel of latitude and aircraft B is flying along the equator. If aircraft A is flying at a groundspeed of 400 knots, what would be e groundspeed of aircraft B both aircraft fly once round the Earth in the same journey time?
41. On the 27th of February, at 52° S and 034°W, the sunrise is at 0743 UTC. On the same day, at 52°S and 040°E, the sunrise is at?
42. What is the time of sunrise in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (49N 123° 30'W) on the 6th January expressed in UTC?
43. Two aircraft are flying eastwards around the earth. Aircraft A is flying along the 60 N parallel of latitude and aircraft B is flying along the equator. If aircraft A is flying at a groundspeed of 240 knots, what would be the groundspeed of aircraft B both aircraft fly once round the Earth in the same journey time?
44. At what approximate date is the earth furthest from the sun (aphelion)?
45. The sun rises at 50°N nd 025°E on the 25th January at 0254 UTC. On the same day what time does it rise at 50°N and 040°W?
46. Which is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will rise above the horizon and set every day?
47. A time difference of 5 hours 20 minutes and 20 seconds is equivalent to which change of longitude?
48. The sun rises at 50°N and 025°W on the 25th January at 0654 UTC. On the same day what time does it rise at 50° N and 040° E?
49. What is the reason for seasonal changes in climate?
50. At which of the following latitudes does the maximum difference between geodetic and geocentric latitude occur?