
Questions for SCALE

Answer the following questions

1. A course of 120°(T) is drawn between 'X' (61°30'N) and 'Y'(58°30'N) on a Lambert Conformal conic chart with a scale of 1 : 1 000 000 at 60°N. The chart distance between 'X' and 'Y' is?
2. The scale on Lambert's conformal conic chart?
3. What is the distance between longitudes 176°E and 176°W on direct Mercator chart with a scale of 1 : 4 000 000 at the equator?
4. Approximately how many nautical miles correspond to 9 cm on a map with a scale of 1 : 5 000 000?
5. Given: Chart scale 1 : 250 000. The chart distance between two points is 4 centimetres. Earth distance is approximately?
6. Given: Chart scale is 1 : 1 850 000. The chart distance between two points is 4 centimetres. Earth distance is approximately?
7. What is the distance between longitudes 179°E and 175°W on direct Mercator chart with a scale of 1 : 15 000 000 at the equator?
8. The total length of the 75°N parallel of latitude on a direct Mercator chart is 115 cm. What is the approximate scale of the chart at latitude 30°S?
9. The total length of the 70°N parallel of latitude on a direct Mercator chart is 120 cm. What is the approximate scale of the chart at latitude 40°S?
10. The total length of the 45°N parallel of latitude on a direct Mercator chart is 85 cm. What is the approximate scale of the chart at latitude 60°S?
11. On a Direct Mercator chart at latitude of 75°N, a certain length represents a distance of 55 NM on the earth. The same length on the chart will represent on the earth, at latitude 30°N, a distance of?
12. On a Direct Mercator chart at latitude of 85°N, a certain length represents a distance of 60 NM on the earth. The same length on the chart will represent on the earth, at latitude 30°N, a distance of?
13. Given: Direct Mercator chart with a scale of 1 : 200 000 at equator; Chart length from 'A' to 'B' in the vicinity of the equator, 27 cm. What is the approximate distance from 'A' to 'B'?
14. On a Direct Mercator chart at latitude of 45°N, a certain length represents a distance of 96 NM on the earth. The same length on the chart will represent on the earth, at latitude 60°N, a distance of?
15. On a Direct Mercator chart at latitude 15°C, a certain length represents a distance of 130 NM on the earth. The same length on the chart will represent on the earth, at latitude 10°N, a distance of?
16. What is the chart distance between longitudes 179°E and 175°W on a direct Mercator chart with a scale of 1 : 2 000 000 at the equator?
17. On a direct Mercator projection, the distance measured between two meridians spaced 5° apart at latitude 60°N is 12 cm. The scale of this chart at latitude 60°N is approximately?
18. A straight line drawn on a chart measures 4.5 cm and represents 125 NM. The chart scale is?
19. A straight line drawn on a chart measures 4.63 cm and represents 125 NM. The chart scale is?
20. In a navigation chart a distance of 55 NM is equal to 7 cm. The scale of the chart is approximately?
21. Approximately how many nautical miles correspond to 7 cm on a map with a scale of 1 : 500 000?
22. Given: Direct Mercator chart with a scale of 1 : 200 000 at equator; Chart length from 'A' to 'B', in the vicinity of the equator, 11 cm. What is the approximate distance from 'A' to 'B'?
23. Approximately how many nautical miles correspond to 12 cm on a map with a scale of 1 : 2 000 000?
24. In a navigation chart a distance of 55 NM is equal to 14 cm. The scale of the chart is approximately?
25. A Mercator chart has a scale at the equator = 1 : 3 000 000. What is the scale at latitude 60°S?
26. Approximately how many nautical miles correspond to 13 cm on a map with a scale of 1 : 2 000 000?
27. A Mercator chart has a scale at the equator = 1 : 2 400 000.What is the scale at latitude 60°S?
28. At 60°N the scale of a direct Mercator chart is 1 : 4 000 000. What is the scale at the equator?
29. The total length of the 75°N parallel of latitude on a direct Mercator chart is 140 cm. What is the approximate scale of the chart at latitude 30°S?
30. The total length of the 70°N parallel of latitude on a direct Mercator chart is 95 cm. What is the approximate scale of the chart at latitude 30°S?
31. On a chart, the distance along a meridian between latitudes 45°N and 46°N is 6 cm. The scale of the chart is approximately?
32. On a direct Mercator projection, at latitude 45° North, a certain length represents 98 NM. At latitude 30° North, the same length represents approximately?
33. On a Direct Mercator chart at latitude of 70°N, a certain length represents a distance of 120 NM on the earth. The same length on the chart will represent on the earth, at latitude 10°N, a distance of?
34. A straight line drawn on a chart measures 4.63 cm and represents 150 NM. The chart scale is?
35. Given: Chart scale 1 : 2 000 000. The chart distance between two points is 4 centimetres. Earth distance is approximately?
36. What is the distance between longitudes 179°E and 179°W on direct Mercator chart with a scale of 1 : 500 000 at the equator?
37. A straight line on a chart 4.89 long represents 100 NM. The scale of this chart is approximately?
38. On a Mercator chart, at latitude 60°N, the distance measured between W002° and E008° is 20 cm. The scale of this chart at latitude 60°N is approximately?
39. The nominal scale of a Lambert conformal conic chart is the?
40. On a Direct Mercator chart at latitude of 45°N, a certain length represents a distance of 39 NM on the earth. The same length on the chart will represent on the earth, at latitude 30°N, a distance of?
41. On a direct Mercator projection, at latitude 45° North, a certain length represents 70 NM. At latitude 40° North, the same length represents approximately?
42. Approximately how many nautical miles correspond to 15 cm on a map with a scale of 1 : 3 000 000?
43. What is the distance between longitudes 170°E and 170°W on direct Mercator chart with a scale of 1 : 20 000 000 at the equator?
44. Approximately how many nautical miles correspond to 35 cm on a map with a scale of 1 : 500 000?
45. A straight line on a chart 4.89 cm long represents 185 NM. The scale of this chart is approximately?
46. Given: Chart scale 1 : 3 000 000. The chart distance between two points is 24 centimetres. Earth distance is approximately?
47. On a Lambert Conformal chart the distance between meridians 5° apart along latitude 37° North 9 cm. The scale of the chart at that parallel approxiates?
48. At 60° N the scale of a direct Mercator chart is 1 : 3 000 000. What is the scale at the equator?
49. What is the chart distance between longitudes 179°E and 175°W on a direct Mercator chart with a scale 1 : 5 000 000 at the equator?
50. At 60°N the scale of a direct Mercator charts is 1 : 2 750 000. What is the scale at the equator?