
Questions for INS/IRS/FMS

Answer the following questions

1. A gyro is said to drift when its spin axis moves in the ?
2. In which IRS mode does gyro-compassing take place?
3. Which of the following statements is true of a Ring Laser Gyro?
4. On the IRS, selection of ATT mode gives attitude?
5. In a laser reference system (IRS), as compared to a gyro reference system (INS)
6. Weather radar Displays are available on the Boeing 737-400 EFIS EHSI, when the system is set to?
7. In order to maintain an accurate vertical using a pendulous system, an aircraft Inertial platform incorporates a device?
8. Alignment of INS and IRS equipments can take place in which of the following modes?
9. An aircraft equipped with an Inertial Navigation System (INS) files with INS 1 coupled with autopilot. Both Inertial navigation systems are navigating from waypoint A to B. The Inertial systems 'Central Display Units (CDU) show? XTK on INS 1 = 0 XTK on INS 2 = 15L (XTK = cross track) What can be deduced from this information?
10. Gyro - compassing in an INS?
11. After an IRS has lost its position mid-flight it must?
12. What is the purpose of the plezo-electric motor in an IRS system?
13. What output is calculated by double integration of output from the east/west accelerometer of an inertial navigation system (INS) when the system is engaged in the NAV mode?
14. What is produced by double Integration of the output from the east/west accelerometer of an inertial navigation system (INS) when it is in the NAV MODE?
15. In an Inertial Navigation System (INS), Ground Speed (GS) is calculated?
16. The platform of an Inertial navigation system (INS) is maintained at right angles to the local vertical by applying corrections for the effects of?
17. How long does it take to align an IRS (Laser Ring Gyros)?
18. The period of validity of an FMS database is?
19. What do you call a system of gyros and accelerometers that is fixed to the aircraft?
20. Which FMC/CDU page normally appears on initial power application to the B737-400 Electronic Flight Instrument System?
21. If an INS temporarily loses its power supply in flight?
22. How is the FMC position produced?
23. How long does it take to align an IRS (Laser Ring Gyros)?
24. In which IRS mode does gyro-compassing takeplace?
25. The latest point at which an INS or IRS may be selected to NAV mode is?
26. Which of the following lists the first three pages of the FMC/CDU normally used to enter data on initial start-up of the B737-400 Electronic Flight Instrument System?
27. Which mode selection on the CDU of an INS is required to display Initial Great Circle track?
28. An Inertial Navigation System (INS), calculates Ground Speed (GS)?
29. What is the source of magnetic variation information in a Flight Management System (FMS)?
30. What are the positions (in the order left to right) on the Boeing 737-400 IRS Mode Selector Unit (MSU)?
31. Some Inertial reference systems are known as 'strapdown'
32. In what formats can created waypoints be entered into the scratch pad of the B737-400 FMS?
33. Gyro drift occurs when the spin axis moves in the?
34. What do the sensors of an INS measure?
35. In an Inertial Navigation System(INS), the output of the first stage North/South integrator is?
Which white EFIS symbol below represents the aircraft?
Which Cyan symbol below represents an off-route waypoint?
38. From what information is the FMC position calculated?
39. In which IRS mode does gyro-compassing take place?
40. What is the period of validity of an FMS databse?
41. On the IRS, selection of ATT mode gives attitude?
42. In a ring laser gyro, the purpose of the dither motor is to
43. Some inertial reference systems are known as 'strapdown'. This means
44. Some Inertial reference and navigation system are known as "strapdown". This means that?
45. What information is required by the FMS to enable it to calculate groundspeed?
46. Double Integration of the output from the east/west accelerator navigation system(INS) in the NAV MODE given
47. When initial position is put into a B737-400 FMS, the system?
48. An IRS differs from an INS in that it?
49. What will be the effect if the crew of an aircraft switch off the power to his IRS whilst in flight, before switching it back on a few seconds later?
50. Which of the following statements is true of a Ring Laser Gyro?